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DeVante Pov
I woke up before Rikiya she's laying on my chest I gently move her to the side and make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

DeVante walks into the kitchen goes into the refrigerator pulls out eggs bacon and frozen waffles he cooks the food and when the food is almost done Rikiya is walking down the stairs. She walks into the kitchen and wraps her arms around DeVante waist and kisses his cheek.

Good morning sexy did you sleep well?

Yeah your the one who put me to sleep last night.

I know "smirks"

The food was done and Rikiya set the table and they began eating while talking about when JoDeCi debut album is coming out.

When is the album coming out.

On May 28 I'll make sure you'll be the first to hear the whole album.

Ight cool so when ya going on tour.

In like a month

DeVante notice Rikiya frown and caresses her hand while kissing her.

Damn I didn't know you were going that soon good thing we already graduated.

Speaking of that I should be back by time the semester starts but I'll be getting home education.

At least you're still getting your education oh and I gotta stop by my house later on to pick up some more clothes.

I want you to move in I feel like we are really serious and I would like to take our relationship to the next level and it's like you already live here anyway cuz you're always spending the night.

"Thoughts" I gotta talk to mom about this because this is a big step this means I will see DeVante everyday I mean there's nothing wrong with that but I just will have to get use to him going on tour and everything.

Just think about it and let me know later on but I really want you to move in"hands her a small box"

"Opens the box and see's a pink key in it"
Awwww De you didn't have to get the key customized but Imma go home and talk with my moms and get my stuff "kisses him" I love you.

I love you too Ight go get your stuff and I'll go make room in my closet for you.

Ight let me go get dressed and get my keys"walks past DeVante"

"Bites his lip and smacks her ass"

"Yelps" DeVante!

Stop faking you know you like that shit.

Rikiya comes backs downstairs 30mins later with Nike sweatpants and a Nike shirt and Nike slippers she walks over to DeVante.

I'll see your sexy ass later "squeezes her butt and wraps his arms around her waist while she puts her arms around his neck"

I'll see you later Daddy "French kisses him"

Rikiya unwraps her arms from around his neck then goes outside and hops into her brand new BMW that was a graduation present from her Mother.

I pulled up to my mom house then got out and went inside and saw my mom watching Tv.

Rikiya's Mom
Hey Kiya

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