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When I got home last night Donald wasn't there so I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep.

I woke up took a shower then changed into Nike grey joggers a plain white shirt and white puma socks then put on my necklace that Donald gave me

a couple minutes later I heard the front door open then "DeVante" came in our room

He looked shocked/relieved to see me I didn't have the time or energy to argue with him so I just glared at him

Then I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my keys but Donald grabbed my waist trying to get me to talk to him by looking into my eyes

But that shit was not about to work on me this time I looked at him with hurt

"I'm s-"Then I cut him off cuz I ain't wanna hear it

"Look I got somewhere to be"I said while pushing his hands off of me and walking out of the door

I got into my car and drove to the mall I just needed to be alone right now I got to the mall went inside looked around for a little while somethings caught my eye I bought 3 pair of sneakers some designer stuff then went to the food court

I'm very happy that I don't depend on Donald for money and that I have my own business with selling clothes online soon I'll start college get that out of the way and hopefully one day open my own store

I finished my food then picked up my bags and left out of the mall

While walking to my car I saw that same guy from the movies

"Hey Rikiya right"He said

"Yea I never caught your name"I said

"Jerry"He said

"Well it was nice seeing you again Jerry but I need to get going"I said

"So I'm guessing you still have a boyfriend"He asked

"Yep"I said

"Well I was wondering if I could get your number so we can be friends"He said

He looked good and all but I was not about to fall for that friend shit knowing damn well he wants to be more than friends plus I'm still with Donald

"I'm good but it's was nice seeing you again"I said getting into my car and waving my hand while pulling off

When I got home I put my new stuff in my closet then took a nice relaxing bubble bath and put on a a plain shirt with some joggers then put my hair in a messy bun and watched tv


I was in my new studio in the basement when I heard someone come in the front door so I went upstairs to my room and I saw it was Rikiya

I already knew most likely she isn't gonna talk to me but it's worth a try

"Hey sexy"I said while biting my lip

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