Trouble pt.2

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I woke up rubbed the sleep out of my eyes looked over at the clock on the night stand then turned to my side and noticed that De wasn't there then last nights events flashed in my head.

Rikiya got out of bed and groggily walked to the bathroom took a shower etc and put on a puma shirt puma sweats with white puma socks black puma slippers and her hair was in black Janet Jackson braids.

She walked down the stairs and looked over at DeVante on the couch still sleep she went into the kitchen got a water bottle an aspirin and put it on the coffee table then went back into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast.

I wake up to the smell of food I tried to sit up then my head started pounding then I remembered what happened last night I saw an aspirin and a water bottle on the table I took the aspirin then got up and went into the kitchen.

While I was putting food on our plates I seen DeVante in the corner of my eye walking into the kitchen.

The food smells good baby(kisses her neck)

(Rolls her eyes)I know

(Grabs her hands to get her full attention)You know I'm sorry about last night I really am and I wish that it had never happened because it jeopardized me losing my future wife and I can't have that cuz I need you without you I don't know what I would do.

I just need some time DeVante you know I couldn't really get no sleep last night cuz I kept thinking about the situation but I do believe that you didn't want that to happen but you gotta promise me that you will never do that again.

I promise (tries to kiss her)

Uh huh(puts her hand in front of his mouth before he could kiss her)I do not wanna taste that liquor on your tongue so until you brush those teeth no kisses.

(Smacks lips) Really man not even a peck.

Fine but only a peck(she pecks his lips)happy now.

(Smiles) Very

They continue eating they put there dishes in the dish washer.

I wanna take you out tonight to make up for what I did.

Where to?

(Smirks) It's a surprise.

(Smiles) Now you making me really wanna know.

It'll ruin the surprise you'll just have to wait and see.

Can I at least know if I can dress casual or not.

You can dress casual.

Rikiya then walks over to the couch folds the blanket and put it in the hallway closet.

Let's go get you cleaned up.

Rikiya takes DeVante hand and starts walking upstairs to there bedroom when they got in the bedroom Rikiya started to strip DeVante and teased him all the way into the bathroom then turned on the shower and walked out leaving DeVante horny.

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