Unloyal Pt.2

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A few minutes later Donald came through the door his clothes weren't all the way on and he looked tired then he walked up to me.

"Hey baby"He said as he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away he smelt like women perfume.

"Donald where were you last night"I asked

"I was a the studio with the boys"He said not looking me in the eye like he usually would

"No you weren't why the fuck you lying to me"I said kinda yelling I couldn't believe that he was lying to me

Then he went upstairs to our room and I followed him. "Are you cheating on me with some fuckin groupie!"I yelled at him

"No I slept over Dalvin's house"He yelled back

"Yeah right I can call KaDaesha right now and ask if you were there!"I yelled at him

"I was there and I'm not cheating on you!, I would never cheat on you"He said still not looking me in the eyes I definitely knew he was lying now

"You are such a fucking lier"I said my eyes started watering up

"If you didn't cheat on me then why do you smell like women and your fuckin clothes aren't even all the way on!"I yelled at him

"How many times do I have to tell your ass I didn't sleep with anybody!"He yelled back at me

I don't know what came over me but the next thing I knew I punched him in the face

"I bet you cheated on me that other time when you came home with lip stick all over your fucking face I'm gone!"I yelled at him

"What did I tell you about putting your fucking hands on me!"He yelled while grabbing my arms and pushing me up against the wall while tears rolled down my cheeks

He loosened his grip on my arms while giving me a blank look like he had blacked out for a moment then I pushed him out of the way

Grabbed my keys then I tried to leave out of the room but Donald tried to stop me.

"You're not leaving me"He said as he grabbed my arm

"Yes I am get off of me!"I yelled at him and got out of his hold went downstairs and left out of the front door once I got into my car I hurriedly pulled off while Donald was in the drive way yelling for me to come back then I made my way to Aaliyah's house.

When I got there and took the spare key from under the mat she left for me just in case I didn't have time to call and went inside I saw Aaliyah on the couch I went over to her then broke down and told her about the whole situation while she comforted me.


I can't believe she left me but I just couldn't tell her that I cheated on her with my ex girlfriend then she would of thought I was going to end up leaving but it was just a one time thing I was drunk and wasn't thinking at the time.

I walked in the bathroom to look in the mirror and saw that my lip was busted damn she fucked my lip up I had stopped myself from doing anything back

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