Ch. 23 the end

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Four years later
*donnie pov*
Life was great. After the whole incident with Mr. Jones... I mean kyler, lily was close as ever with her family and me. Then a year ago I asked lily to marry me. Which she did. I even made sure it was a proper wedding and being the incredible genius I am I made what lily calls Morphers. The idea from her necklace that allows her wings out. Then our honeymoon to Costa Rica which was amazing. When we got home we found out lily was expecting. Everyone was happy for us although I truthfully was scared I would be a horrible father.

*description of Donnie in human form*
Tall light Tan skin muscular. Same eyes dark brown hair that looks black in some lighting.

*months later*
I was on patrol with my brothers and Casey when Raphs phone rang. "Hey?" He said while we waited to hear who was calling. His eyes got wide and he glanced at me. "We will be right there don't worry I will personally make sure he gets back." Raph said hanging up the phone. "It's time!" He exclaimed. I gasped and felt a little faint. "Oh no bro you have to get back to her." Raph said grabbing my shell and pulling me after him. "Yea Don your the dad and husband and the medical professional. So get your shell in gear!" Casey snapped. That broke me out of my stupor and we raced back well we sent Mikey to get splinter as he was still too innocent for what was happening. When we burst in I heard it. A baby cry.  We walked towards Lily's room and sure enough lily was holding a small bundle wrapped in blue. "Hey." She whispered. I could tell that my brothers and Casey backed off to give us a bit of space. That's when I noticed kyler off to the side holding a little pink bundle. "Twins?" I gasped while lily nodded. Kyler handed me the pink bundle and I looked down. "A boy and a girl congrats Donnie. I'll give you a few minutes before sending in the others." Kyler said stepping out. I looked at my little girl in my arms. She had a soft dusting of light color hair but he skin seemed tinted. "She's part turtle." Lily said soothingly reaching out and pulling the blanket down a bit revealing the slightly green skin and the outline of what could be a shell. "Wow." I whispered before hearing a soft snuffling noise. "Ahh your son is missing out." Lily said taking my little girl and handing me my son. He too had fair hair but his skin seemed fine. Lily had a smirk on her face before taking him back and carefully unwrapping him fully and revealing two tiny black wings before wrapping him back up. Then we were bombarded with family. The babies were past around carefully. "What will you name them?" Raph asked holding my son as if he could break at any moment. "Well we did say Zander for a boy and Ericka for a girl." I said looking at lily. "Zander Raphael hamato and Ericka jade hamato" lily said with a smile. With that they both opened their eyes they were a stunning shade of blue.

*side note*
Ericka grows up to look just like Donnie (you know the whole turtle thing) but much more human and shorter. Her she'll never really formed but there is a brown under tone and her back and stomach area are stronger. She has medium length dark brown hair and took Donnies eyes. Is a huge daddies girl, stubborn, likes to prank, intelligent. Her favorite uncle is Mikey. Weapon is a yuri (like a spear)
Color: yellow (for her cheerful spirit, happiness, and bright smiles)

Zander on the other hand is just like lily with large black wings and really dark brown almost black hair and stunning hazel eyes. He being older by two minutes is highly protective of Ericka and would do just about anything for her. He's smart almost to his dad's level but also likes to train. He tries to be tough but is much more a softy
Fave uncle: Raph
Weapon; ninja-to (ninja sword not like a katana but close)
Color: green (balance, protection, sense of right and wrong)

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