Ch. 18

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*few days later*
I now was fully aware and not sleeping all the time. Donnie had asked me to be his girlfriend which i happily accepted. April visited more often and today she was bringing her guy friend over. I of course could have cared less but Donnie seemed to be a bit edgy. I walked slowly to Donnie's lab an leaned on the door frame for support. "Donnie?" I asked tenitivly. "Lily you should be resting! But yes my dear what is it?" Donnie said turning to me wiping his hands off. "What's the matter. Your on edge lately ever since April asked to bring what's his face here." I said looking him in the eyes. Donnie sighed. "It was going to come out eventually. Lets go sit on the couch." Donnie said picking me up. I sat confused in his arms before he placed me in my spot and he sat beside me. "Ok so before you came here I had a crush on April. She was the first girl I had ever seen. I was persistent, I couldn't see past that she was different from me. I realize now it was only puppy love. But back then when Casey showed up we would fight over April. Last we talked he knew I still liked her. He knows nothing about you unless April said something to him. I love you lily. I'm edgy as I'm not sure how he will act. I should have told you sooner. I fell for you for who you are, yes you are beautiful but both inside and out, but it was the inner beauty I grew to know and care for while with April it was all her looks. I understand if your mad. But remember I love you." Donnie said ducking his head as if ashamed. "Don't worry Donnie I understand. And I can tell the way you feel about her has changed. If this Casey person gets on your nerves ill deal with him. And if that don't work I can easily get all your brothers and splinter on my side and get him to stop." I said with a smile before kissing his cheek.

Donnie smiled and stood up still holding my hand. "I'm going to get a snack you want anything?" Donnie asked. "Hmm my peanut butter pretzels please!" I asked. He nodded and kissed my hand before going into the kitchen. It was then I heard voices from the lair entrance. I reached for my bow and arrows just incase. Then Mikey bounced in followed by raph who was talking to April and another guy who I guessed was Casey. He seemed the bad boy type but he wasn't for me. Though he did seem familiar. Leo walked out of the dojo where he had been practicing as Donnie walked out of the kitchen and towards me. "Here you go." Donnie said handing me a bowl filled with my favorite snack. "Hey don who's the chick?" Asked Casey. April smacked him on the head. "This is lily. Lily meet Casey jones." Donnie said. I smiled shyly and waved thinking on his name. "So this is the girl Red has been telling me about helping. Got a last name lils?" Casey asked. "Prichard not willingly though." I said sourly. Donnie patted my shoulder softly. "My aunt ran off with a Prichard. Broke the families heart so it did. She never came back. No letter no calls. I only saw her once when I was very small before she disappeared." Casey said clenching his fists. That's when it clicked I had almost forgotten, Diana had forbade me mentioning my mother but it all came back then. "Donnie grab my photo album please?" I asked excited. He nodded and walked to my room. "What for?" Raph asked. "I just remembered something. Something she made me forget." I sneered as Donnie handed me the dusty book. I quickly flipped through the pages. Then I found it the picture of my mother her hair a shade or two darker then mine standing by a man, his hair dark black like coal. "There!" I pointed to the picture. Donnie and raph looked at the picture as the others stared at us. "He looks just like Casey." Raph commented. Casey sauntered over. "Who looks like me?" He asked as I pointed to the picture. "Him." I said softly. "No way! that's my dad! How did you?" He asked. "The book was my mothers. I nearly forgot her last name. It was jones. She disappeared when I was seven and I was forced to live with my dad, stepmother and step and half sisters. I was forced to forget." I said softly a wimpier escaping as I spoke about them. "Wow. My dad always wondered what happened to his little sis." Casey said. "Wait a second. Your saying that you and him are?" Leo asked breaking into the reunion. "Cousins." Donnie said with a smile. I knew what he was thinking. He wouldn't have to worry about me liking Casey or leaving me alone with him. "Dad will want to meet you." Casey said. "One thing at a time she's still recovering. And we have to plan." Donnie said. I smiled growing sleepy. I have family who cares. I snuggled into Donnie as my eyes dropped shut. I felt them tug my album from my hands before sleep took me.

•authors note•
Wow Casey and lily are cousins! Who would have guessed. I actually hadn't planned that but it just came out as I typed and it seems to fit nicely. And before you ask no Casey doesn't know she's been mutated yet. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments please!

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