Ch 4.

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*two months later*
I was practicing in the dojo by myself. I had my bow and I was flying and hitting targets. Then I flipped in the air and put my bow on my back. Grabbing my bokken I leapt into a fierce battle with two dummies. Sensing someone behind me I flipped up into the air and landed behind them attacking fiercely. "Hold up there sunshine! It's just raph!" I heard my attacker say as he defended. 'Snap!' I thought as I drew back and flitted to ledge on the other side of the dojo. "What were you doing? And what are those?" Raph said pointing to my wings. "I was practicing. And these are wings. Obviously!" I said softly. "Yea and when and how did you get them? Did Donnie experiment on you cuz if he has I....." Raph said then Mikey walked in. "What's up..... Oh hey raph." Mikey said looking from raph to me. "Hey Mikey!" I said waving. "Wait you knew?" Raph said looking at Mikey with confusion and anger. "Yea sense the day we pranced you with the paint." Mikey said. I glared at Mikey. Raph turned to me. "You did not answer my question he said sternly. " no I am not Donnie's experiment. The day you guys saved me some one poured green goo over me and then I had wings. I did not want anyone to find out until I could hold my own in a fight." I said with a sigh sitting on my ledge dangling my feet. "Yea she's really good! I've been helping her train and she can almost best me!" Mikey said excitedly. "Ok. Does sensi know?" Raph asked. I nodded growing bored. "Then he wouldn't mind if I test your skills? I'm the best fighter out of my brothers." Raph said with a smile grabbing his sais. I grinned and gave Mikey a look. "Ooooooo raph your in for it!" Mikey said ducking behind a pillar. Raph gave Mikey a confused look before leaping back startled. He looked at the arrow stuck next to him then at me. I smiled from my ledge and took off into the air. Raph tried to hit me with the throwing stars but I nimbly dodged and shot an arrow at him. He had barely dodged that one before I had another flying at him. We continued this way for a few minutes before I ran out of arrows. Quickly ducking I put my bow on my back and pulled the bokken out. I landed softly behind him and went to attack as he turned to face me. My attack was blocked by his sai and we launched into a fierce battle. I sensed another behind me and twisted knocking raph away as I met the new challenge. I briefly caught sight of the orange mask as Mikey joined raph. I managed to fight them both for only a couple of minutes before I was over powered. I curled into a ball like form drawing my wings about me as to make a shield. Mikey recognized my form of defeat and stopped the attack, but raph not knowing I was summiting continued. "Ahhhhhh" I cried out as his sai sliced part of my wing. My scream of pain startled raph as he looked at the injury he had caused and into my tear filled eyes. "What? Oh no! Sunshine are you ok! I didn't mean to!" Raph said softly trying to help me. As he reached towards me I pulled back then sprang up high into the air. I managed to fly up a little ways. I stayed their suspended for a few moments. I noticed three people walk in but I was up too far to figure out who they were. I started to wobble as my wing really started to hurt. The next thing I knew was that I was falling and falling fast. I wrapped my wings around me as I fell. "Lily!" I heard the boys yell. I then felt two arms catch me out of the air pulling me close. I sobbed not realizing that I had been crying until I heard a soft voice whispering to me. "Shhh lily you will be ok. Your safe. There is no need to cry." The voice said. I looked up and I found myself looking into Donnie's concerned brown eyes. I heard splinter explaining to Leo about my wings but I did not care as he could see them anyhow. I felt Donnie gently set me down. "Lily can you open your wings? I just want to help fix the one." Donnie explained softly. I carefully unfolded my wings and let Donnie fix me up. "Don't worry lily it was just a nick. It should heal pretty quickly. But the feathers might take a few days to regrow." Donnie said carefully wrapping my wing. I smiled softly and hugged him before he let me up. I could hear splinter yelling at raph in the living room. I stood and walked out. "He didn't mean it!" I said softly. "Lily! Are you ok?" Mikey said leaping over the couch. "Yea I'm fine. Splinter he didn't mean it. I did not tell him how I give up a battle. Donnie said I will be fine in a few weeks so the feathers can regrow. Please stop yelling at him." I said softly. "If you are sure I will leave it be. I shall be meditating." Splinter said walking into his room. "I really am sorry sunshine." Raph said before turning and walking out of the lair. I sighed softly and looked at Mikey, Leo, and Donnie. "Can I go after him?" I asked softly. "I don't....." Leo started to say. "Sure I don't see why not." Donnie said nudging Leo softly. "I'll explain what I can to them ok?" Mikey said. I nodded grabbed my bokken and walked out of the lair. I listened and walked quietly following the faint sounds that were Ralph's. when raph went topside I hesitated then continued to follow. I saw Ralph's feet dangling from the edge of a building and I carefully climbed the fire escape. When I reached the top a saw raph sitting there looking at his sai. "Hey." I said walking over to him. He jumped and turned but sadly looked away when he noticed it was me. "Hi." Raph said as he sat back down. "You know I'm not really hurt badly right?" I whispered as I sat beside him. He nodded slowly not looking at me. "Then why are you still upset?" I asked gently touching his shoulder. "Because." He said. "Because why? I have forgiven you. It was an accident." I said confused. "Because you did not see the look on your face! You looked so frightened, vulnerable even! Hurting you is not like when I accidentally hurt one of my brothers. Seeing you crying because of my mistake reminded me of that night we took you from your house. You had the same look on your face." Raph said standing and pacing as he explained. I could not take it anymore and stood and hugged him. "Raph stop. It hurts me more seeing you angry then my wing. I held out my wing and unwrapped it. "See its not even bleeding that bad and only a few feathers were cut. What you did was an accident. What happened at home was her choice." I said making him look at my wing. "I understand now sunshine." Raph said with a smile as I rewrapped my wing. "Good now let's head back!" I said grabbing his hand and leading him back to the lair where the other boys were waiting. We all Decided to watch a movie and ended up watching balto one and two. By they time we we halfway through the second one I was getting tired. I yawned and curled up in my spot between Donnie and raph. My eyes dropped close and I fell into a deep sleep.

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