Ch. 8

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Raph stared at me dumbfounded for a few minutes. "This is where you go all brotherly and give me advise." I said waving my hand in front of his face. "What? Oh sorry sunshine, I was thinking. Now then are you absolutely sure you like him like that?" Raph asked. "As sure as sugar is sweet." I said. "Hm ok. So what do you want advise on?" Raph asked. "Everything. Things he likes doesn't like. Songs. Does he like me?" I said softly. "He loves science and tinkering. He doesn't really care for abandonment. His favorite song... I'm not sure on that one. But on how he feels for you I cannot say. It's in the brother code section two subsection g paragraph six. 'Thou shalt not tell other siblings secrets without permission.'" Raph said. "Oh." I said. "Haha yea. Anyways we should head back before they start worrying." Raph said. I nodded and we walked back. "Thanks raph!" I said before going into my room and curling up in my bed.

*raphs pov*

After lily went into her room I walked into the lab. "Einstein we need to talk." I said closing the door. "What now raph. Can't you see I'm busy." Donnie quipped back. "Oh you want to hear this. I just had to give love advise to lily." I said waiting for Donnie's reaction. "L-love advise?" He said putting down his tools. "Yup. Seems like she's fallen for the local genius." I said. Donnie's face when I said that was priceless! His eyes lit up and a huge silly grin lit his face. "Really. She likes me! Your not messing with me are you?" Donnie said glaring at me. "Brother code section one. 'Never lie about matters close to the heart.'" I said honestly. "YES!" Donnie shouted. "Hey keep it down. So mr. Smarty pants how you plan on telling her?" I said smugly. "I um.... Hmm. I'm not sure. What do you think." Donnie asked. "When did I become the love expert! Jeez. Anyways start small, make dinner or a picnic. Spend time with her and find her likes and dislikes." I said gruffly at first then softening my tone as Donnie scribbled notes. "Your the greatest raph!" Donnie said. "Welcome. Now I have to go and train all this lovey dovey stuff is making me soft!" I said leaving the lab and training

•authors note•

Hi guys sorry its so short. Stupid allergies are ruining my creativity. Anyways how do you guys like this softer raph? Also I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a bit of drama? An old boyfriend of lily's joining the foot? Her father and stepmother using family to get back at her? Those are a few ideas on my part. Tell me what you think, I love hearing from you guys!!

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