Ch. 5

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*donnie's pov*
"So that's why she kept her wings a secret." Mikey said finishing explaining about lily's wings. "It makes so much sense." I said softly. Then we heard footsteps coming and then lily walked in as cheerful as ever and raph walked in behind her. "Now what?" Lily said flopping down onto the couch. "Let's watch a movie!" Leo said grabbing the stack of movies. "Oooo let's watch balto!" Lily said sitting up and grabbing the movie. "Haha whatever you want sunshine." Raph said taking the movie from lily and putting it in. Lily ran into her room and came back with a soft blanket. She flopped into the space between raph and I. As we watched the movie lily hummed to the songs and repeated lines. When the first one was done we put in the second one. Lily was quite most of the movie until the mouse ranu came. Then lily started singing. "When every creature in the world is born a spirit stands beside them. To light their way through the long dark night and sing them songs to guide them. Because we each have a destiny that sets us apart. The path is different for you and me but the journey begins in the heart.
You must go to the east, go to the west,
The road is rocky and the way is far.
It's a dangerous trail, a difficult quest,
If you want know who you really are...

There are voices all around you,
To comfort and to guide you.
Fathers and teachers,
Powerful creatures.
And a voice that sings inside you.

Or you can turn back around,
Run along home.
Back to the place where your friends are.
Perhaps that is best,
You need the rest.
Who wants to go on a ridiculous quest?

Unless you want to know,
You truly want to know,
Unless you want to know...

Who you really are.

Who are you? (repeat 8 times)" lily said softly. Soon after I felt lily settle down and lean agenst me. I glanced down and lily was sleeping softly. I smiled softly at her sleeping form and felt something stir in the pit of my stomach. Raph looks over and we lock eyes. He smirks and goes back to the movie. Soon I too felt sleepy. I slowly moved so I did not wake lily. She murmured softly and settled back down. I placed a pillow under her head and pulled the blanket around her better. Raph got up and moved her legs onto the couch before he went to his room. I looked around and Leo and Mikey and notice that Mikey was passed out on the floor and Leo had gone to bed. I looked back at lily and smiled softly. 'She looks like an angel.' I thought as her wings fluttered a bit. I then quietly walked out of the living room turning off the tv as I went. When I got to my room I took off my pads and mask and placed them on my bedside table. I laid on my bed and picked up a picture of April. I thought about her and Casey and did not feel an ounce of jealously. I put the picture down and laid there staring at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and started drifting off.

*a few days later*
Lily was healed enough to come out on a mission with us. We were heading for a mutagen canister but were ambushed before reaching it.
We were managing to take down the foot clan on the roof tops. Lily had taken out quite a few with her arrows and had landed ahead of us. I whacked a few more ninjas before i heard a blood curdling screech. My brothers and I ran forward and saw Lily being held by shredder at the edge of a roof. "Let lily go!" Leo said loudly. "No I don't think I will." Shredder said pulling at lily's wings causing feathers and a few drops of blood to fall. Lily whimpered past shredders glove. Her brown eyes with tears threating to fall broke my heart. I looked closer and noticed that she had acquired many scratches and one of her wings hung at an odd angle and a ninja star was lodged near the tip of the limp wing. I moved forward intent on doing extreme damage to shredder, but shredder pulled lily closer to the edge. "Stop or the girl gets it! Put down your weapons!" Shredder said harshly. my brothers and I looked at each other and then we looked at lily who was shaking her head no. She managed to get her mouth free for a few seconds. "Don't do it! I'm not worth the mission!" Lily screamed before shredder covered her mouth. Leo gave me the look of 'we won't do what shredder wants.' I gave lily a sad look and as Leo was talking to shredder I locked eyes with her. Shredder then threw her over the edge and I rushed forward and leapt off the building grabbing lily as she fell. I tucked and rolled when we reached the street. "Lily!" I said but she did not respond. I sighed when I saw the small rise and fall of her chest. "Donnie! She ok?" Leo called out. "Yea! Shes just knocked out." I said and my brothers landed beside me. "Let's get her home before the foot regroup!" Raph said taking lily from me gently and carrying her back to the lair. I followed quickly behind picking up lily's bow. In the lair raph laid lily down in my lab and I quickly went about fixing her up. I discovered that her right wing was broken. I carefully removed the ninja star and cleaned her wings of the red stain of blood from her white wings. Then I set and wrapped the right wing setting the bones. I then checked for other injuries and only discovered a few scratches that I treated quickly. After fixing her up I looked up to see raph leaning agenst the door frame. "How is she?" Raph asked. "She'll be fine. The wing will take the longest to heal. If I may why do you care so much?" I said. Raph sighed then closed the door. "You cannot tell anyone. Ok!" Raph said glaring at me. I nodded and pushed a spiny chair at him. "She's my sunshine. I call her sunshine because she manages to stay cheerful even when she's down. She's willing to put her pain away to make someone happy. I don't want that light in her to be snuffed like a candle. She's the little sister we've needed. And now that were spilling our secrets why did you jump after her?" Raph said looking at lily and back at me. "It's kind of like your reasons but were as you see a sister I see the other half of me. She is an angel who has faced more than her fare share of pain. I want to be the one to protect her from it. The one she turns to when she's sad. Don't give me that look I'm telling you the truth! What I felt for April is nothing compared to this." I said softly glancing at lily's sleeping form. "Ok then. Jut don't hurt her and I won't have to hurt you." Raph said

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