Ch. 6

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*lilys pov*
I felt a slight pounding in my head as I came too. "Ugg." I said opening my eyes and touching my head. "Slow down there sunshine. Or else Donnie might have my head." Raph said helping me sit up. "What happened?" I asked feeling sore everywhere. "Shredder happened." Donnie said walking through the door. "I feel terrible." I said softly. "You look it too sunshine." Raph said. I glared at him but gasped when Donnie places his Hand on my wings. "Lily you are going to have to sit and relax for a few days while you heal. In a few days you can hang out in the living room but you have to sit still." Donnie said. "Aww can't I just sit on the couch? It would be lonely in here. Staring at the walls. The horribly grey cold stone walls with no warmth or life in them." I said shuddering. Donnie sighed at my antics. "Come on bro the living room would be fine." Raph said. "I don't think...." Donnie started to say before Leo and Mikey walked in. "What don't you think?" Leo asked. "Donnie wants me to sit here. Alone. Staring at cold stone walls. For TWO DAYS!" I said dramatically. "Donnie! How could you!" Mikey said gently tapping my leg. "I just don't want her getting hurt." Donnie said firmly. "Please Donnie? With rainbows and beakers on top?" I asked sweetly with puppy dog eyes. Donnie and I had a short staring match which made him turn away from my eyes. "Alright alright fine!" Donnie said. "Yay!" I said happily. "I will set up the couch." Leo said leaving the room. Donnie checked my bandages I gasped a few times when he moved my wings. "All set?" Leo said coming back in. "I guess." Donnie said lifting me carefully into his arms. I snuggled into his plastron for the short ride. The couch was filled with blankets from my room along with my special bear. "Yay!" I said when Donnie put me down. The boys carefully covered me with blankets as I smiled happily. By the time I was tucked in the boys had to go to training. "See you guys later" I said. When they left I grabbed my iPod and put in one earphone. I found one of my favorite songs and started to sing.
"I can't imagine, any greater fear
Than waking up, without you here,
And though the sun, would still shine on,
My whole world, would all be gone,
But not for long,

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

It wouldn't matter why we're apart,
Lonely miles or two stubborn hearts
Nothing short of God above
Could turn me away from your love
I need you that much

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, just to climb a thousand walls,
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are,
There's no place that far

Baby there's no place that far"I sang unknowing that the boys were listening then I snuggled into my blankets humming the next song. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

*donnies pov*
I was fighting agesnt Leo when I heard a sweet sound. "Hey hold up!"
I said before Leo could launch another attack. He stopped and was going to ask was was up but I shushed him and walked to the doorway of the dojo. Mikey and raph stopped fighting and followed me and Leo. Then we all heard lily's soft voice singing. "She's like an angel." I murmured to myself. I felt my brothers eyes on me and I looked at them. Leo grabbed my bandana ends and pulled me into the dojo and closed the door."what was that about?" Leo asked. "Yea dude what happened to you and April?" Mikey asked. "April never returned my feelings. After a while feelings for lily started to grow." I said starting to blush. "What about raph?" Leo asked. "What about me?" Raph said. "Well I assumed that you liked her." Leo said. "As a sister and a friend yes. But as a crush never! She's too soft and smart for me." Raph said. "So when are you gonna tell her?" Mikey asked. "I'm not sure yet. Probly when she's better." I said. "Ok let's battle I had almost had Mikey!" Raph said. "Oh all right!" Leo said and we started our fight again. After a few hours we finished practicing and went back to the living room. Leo turned on space heros, Mikey settled down with a stack of comic books, raph played with spike, and me well I went to my lab and started to work on the toaster because Leo somehow managed to break it... Again. After a few minutes I heard an earsplitting shriek. "Lily?" I thought racing to the living room to find my brothers trying to calm lily down. "What happened?" I exclaimed as Leo Tried to calm her. "Not sure one minute she's fine the next she's screaming." Mikey said. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Lily said squirming out of Leo's hold. "Lily wake up!" I said grabbing her lightly. "Sunshine your fine. Now wake up." Raph said pulling her earbuds out and placing her iPod behind us. Lily then woke up gasping. "Shh shh. Your ok. Don't worry we all are safe." I murmured pulling her close and stroking her hair softly. "What happened sunshine?" Raph said. Lily whimpered and shook her head. I went to lay lily down but she clung to me. She then looked up at me with her big brown eyes that were brimming with unshed tears. "Oh all right." I whispered and pulled her carefully into my lap. "Did you hurt anything?" I asked her. "No. I was wrapped pretty tightly." Lily whispered. "Good." I said. "Hey wanna watch a movie?" Mikey asked. "Yea!" Lily said moving a bit so she could see the screen. "Let's watch don't be afraid of the dark!" Mikey said. Lily looked uncertain but the others put it in. Soon the small creatures that wanted children's teeth came an lily hid under the blanket. I carefully turned her away from the movie an towards me. "Don't worry it's just a movie." I said stroking her hair. Lily shuddered and buried her face into my plastron. I continued to stroke her hair lightly throughout the movie. When the movie ended lily peaked out. "Children's teeth!" A rough voice said. Lily screamed and snuggled into me. Then I heard my brothers laughing. "That wasn't funny guys!" I said sternly. "Oh lighten up it was only a bit of fun." Leo said. "Yea. We're were only playing around." Mikey said. "Yea but she's hurt and she doesn't like scary movies! Raph you should have stopped them!" I said angrily. "I did try. I'm sorry they did not listen sunshine." Raph said. "It's ok. Can we watch a different movie?" Lily asked sniffling. "Sure sunshine. What do you want to watch?" Raph said. "El dorado!" Lily said happily. "Ok sunshine." Raph said putting in the movie. Lily sang with the songs and giggles throughout the movie.
"Look out new world here we come
Brave, intrepid and then some
Pioneers of maximum
Audacity whose resumes
Show that we are just the team
To live where others merely dream
Building up a head of steam
On the trail we blaze

Changing legend into fact
We shall ride into history
Turning myth into truth
We shall surely gaze
On the sweet unfolding
Of an antique mystery
All will be revealed
On the trail we blaze

Paradise is close at hand
Shangri-la the promised land
Seventh heaven on demand
Quite unusual nowadays
Virgin vistas, undefiled
Minds and bodies running wild
In the man behold the child
On the trail we blaze

The trail we blaze
Is a road uncharted
Through terra incognita to a golden shrine
No place for the traveler
To be faint-hearted
We are part of the sumptuous grand design

Changing legend into fact
We shall ride into history
Turning myth into truth
We shall surely gaze on the sweet unfolding
Of an antique mystery
All will be revealed
On the trail we blaze
On the trail we blaze" lily sang. 'She sure has a lovely voice.' I thought. Then my eyes started to close and lily shifted slightly. Soon I fell asleep with lily curled softly in my lap her wings closed gently.

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