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I woke up to a scream.
My eyes fly open to see Milly out of bed, crawling for the door. She is looking towards the windows, so I turn to follow her line of sight, only to see a truly mortifying thing! It looked human, but it wasn't. It was covered in green and black veins, running all over it's body, and scars littered it's disgusting skin. It tries clawing in through the window, but the metal bars prevent it from doing so. I jump out of bed as Milly continues screaming, yelling for the girls get up. Some were screaming, some were falling out of their beds, but they were all heading for the door.

"What are those things?!", Patra cries, standing at the door.
"I don't know!", I yell back, making sure everyone was as close to the door as possible and no where near the windows. The things continue to scream and fight through the bars, and suddenly (I was so distracted with keeping everyone but myself from the windows) I was pulled towards one of the ugly beings, who's hands had come through and snatched my shirt.
"KILL ME!", a feminine voice screamed in my face, "PLEASE! KILL ME!". Now that I was so close to this monster, I could actually see it was a women! Well...what used to be a women. And so were the other monsters, they were all (Or used to be) people! Probably used to be civilised people, now transformed into hideous, raving lunatics.

"Y/N!", someone calls my name and yanks me away from the pleading women, and to the door.
"Hurry, Patra!", Mary yells, looking over shoulder to see the crazed people still fighting their way through.
"It's locked, Mary! I can't do too much when it's shunking locked!", the dark-skinned girl bellowed back, twisting the doorknob more. I look frantically around, trying to find something to bust the door open. I spy a pipe broken from the wall. I race over and break the rest of it off.
"Here!", I cry and hand the pipe over to Patra.
"Alright... It's better than nothing I suppose", Patra then held the pipe high above her head, smashing it onto the handle with great strength. Patra hit another few times, all the while the knob loosening every time.

"We're through! Go!", Patra opens the door so everyone could get through the door. I grab ahold of Milly's tiny hand and sprint through the doorway. Mary comes through last into the dark room and slams the door shut.
"Help me block it!", she calls to us as she looks around for big objects. We look around and find a big object that (I vaguely recall) is a filing cabinet. Patra, Milly, myself, and a small red-head push the cabinet over to where Mary was blocking the doorway. We push until it's completely covering the door, then we step back and breath heavily.
"What...just...happened?", the small red-head panted out as everyone settled down.
"I don't know, Evie", Mary replied (Adam and Eve), "But whatever they were...I don't want to meet them again". I try looking around the room, but I can't, it's so dark.
"Hey! Try finding a light switch, guys! You can't see klunk in this place!", I shout to the group.
"Klunk?", Milly quietly questions and I look down to (Where I presume) her.
"Just something the boys used to say...", I sigh sadly, thoughts of the Gladers (Especially Newt) coming to my mind, "I guess I just picked it up...". We walk into the dark space cautiously, not knowing what was in the dark. I suddenly run into something, and it sways.
"Ugh! What was that?", I question, hearing other girls walk into a similar situation. I also nearly gag at the smell that came off of the thing, like it had rotted there for weeks! 'But we only got here a few days ago!', I thought, not understanding what it could possibly be.
"Hey, I think I found it", Evie called from somewhere across the room, a clicking sound was heard through the place. But when the lights turned on, I nearly vomited.
I was face to face with a dead person...hanging by their necks from the ceiling. Gasps and gags were heard through the group, occasional short screams too. But the worst part was when I realised who they were.
I breathed out in shock,
"It's Matt... and the people who rescued us".

Love in the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now