8. He'll find me...

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"Y/N!", but she was gone, torn out of his reach and into the sandy storm. Newt clung to the pole but still held his arm out, like Y/N would grab onto it at any second. But she didn't, and she wouldn't, he knew that.
"Newt!", Minho shouted over the wind and sand, "Get inside, we can't help her right now". The blond boy knew his friend was right, but he couldn't let her go...not again. Newt still clung to the pole and still stared out into the storm when Minho and Jorge came to get him. They reached the distraught blond and pried his arm away from the pole and grabbed his other arm to drag him inside.

The 3 reached the shelter, all collapsing from exhaustion and adrenaline as soon as they walked in through the door. The boys were still heaving in and out, trying to breathe, when Brenda came up to them.
"Where's Y/N?"
The Glue, The Leader and Jorge all looked at each other, trying to figure who wanted to say it.
"The storm got her", Newt finally broke the silence, staring nonchalantly at the ground, "I tried gripping her hand, tried to pull her in... But the wind was too strong and her hand was too sweaty for me to hold any longer. So she just...slipped through my fingers... Once again".

Everyone lowered their heads in sadness, all contemplating the news. 'You should've tried harder, you bloody shank!', the brown-eyed boy berated himself. They had only just found her again! And Newt had let her slip through his pale, scrawny fingers... again.
"What am I even doing?", Newt blurted out, getting to his feet, "I should be out there, right now, looking for Y/N!". The tall blond started walking determinedly towards the opening to the building but Jorge stepped in his way.
"Whoa, amigo! Not a good plan. That storm will probably take you further away from her than you already are. It would be better if you wait out the storm, then go search for her".
"But I need to go now! She could be hurt, or worse!", Newt shouted back, trying to push past the older boy. But Jorge just stepped in front of the funny-accented boy, putting up his hands to forcefully stop Newt.
"No, stop! You'll just kill yourself. Then what help to her will you be, huh? That's right, nothing".
"Do you know how long I have waited to see her?", Newt asked with a deadly calm coming from his body, "Do you know what I have gone through to see her again? Everything! From nearly killing myself, twice! To travelling through the Scorch for almost 3 weeks now! A sand storm is not going to stop me from finding her".
"Newt, calm down", Minho stepped forward, grabbing Newt's shoulder and attention, "Jorge is right, that storm will do us no good. I know you want to see her, trust me, I do too just as much as you. But if we go out in that storm, we will probably kill ourselves doing it or end up back to where we started in the Scorch. Let's just rest until it is over, then we'll go search for her".

Newt and Minho stared at each other's eyes, trying to convince the other of their point of view. But Newt finally gave in to the logical side of the situation, sighing and saying, "Fine, we'll rest. But as soon as this storm is over we find her, deal?". The Leader just nodded silently, then turned away to set up his sleeping area. Everyone followed Minho's actions, unpacking all their gear and rolling out their bed sheets. They ate their food and drank what was left of the remaining water, finally turning into sleep. Newt just sat up in his make-shift bed and stared out of the entrance to the ever-raging storm. The blonde, brown-eyed boy sighed a sad sigh, 'Where are you, Y/N? Please be OK, please...'.


After shouting Newt's name, Y/N was thrown into a chaotic dance with wind and sand. Tumbling through the air, rolling across the ground, the poor girl could tell she would have bruises the next day. Due to the sand and ever-growing darkness, it was very hard to see where she was going or what she was about to fly into.
"Ah!", Y/N was crying out, scared of the tumbling and the lack of control over her body. Y/N was tumbling through the air when, suddenly, her head collided with something in the air. Or was it on the ground? She couldn't tell. Anyways, her head collided with the object and her mind started to go blank. And her vision went black.

Love in the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now