9. Why did you change?

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Two days.
Two days of walking up steep, rocky mountains.
Two days without water and with little to no food to eat and drink.
Two days of being lost.
Two days of being without Newt.
Y/N was exhausted, more than exhausted - about ready to give up and die in the shuckin' Scorch. But every time she felt like falling to her knees, she reminded herself, 'No, keep going. For Newt, Minho, Milly...'. The sore and tired H/C haired girl was just casually climbing up the rocky side when she heard a noise. No, not just one noise...but many! 'Wonder what that could be...,' she questioned silently as she stared climbing up the mountain with renewed strength.

The closer Y/N got to the group, the more the noises became clearer...voices.
"Newt...?", Y/N muttered to herself excitedly, now eager to find out. The former Runner clawed her way up the mountain side, picking herself up quickly when she slipped down again. The
E/C eyed Glader reached flat surface, dropping to her knees in exhaustion. Looking up, she realised that she had reached the top. After two days of climbing, crawling, staggering and falling, she had reached the top of the mountains. And even though the Scorch was just a stretch of desolate, dry land, Y/N had to admit that the view from where she was stunning! A bright, blue sky hung above her, contrasting brilliantly with the orange, dusty land. But no clouds were there to block the sun, unfortunately. But she still had made it.

'That means I'm near the safe haven!', Y/N realised in delight, a smile adorning her dirty face. But a shout of vocals brought Y/N back to reality.
"Newt? Newt!", the E/C eyed girl shouted, so as to alert the boys, "It's me, Y/N!". Y/N ran along a road-like walkway that seemed to have been used plenty of times before. But the girl ignored it, she was too happy to meet her friends again. Y/N came to a stop at the entrance of a cave-like shelter, with an opening that was so low in height that she needed to bend over to get through. Y/N entered the place shouting, "Newt! Minho! Fry! It's me, I'm here, I'm still alive, I'm-". Y/N stopped mid sentence as she came face to face with the Fielders, Teresa and the boy from before, Thomas. 'Oh, shuck...', the surprised girl cursed to herself when she realised her situation. About ten to fifteen Fielders, all fully armed, against her, who wasn't fully armed. The newest arrival looked at her surroundings, taking it all in to see for any resources to help her. She saw Thomas tied up with Harriet and Sonya talking with him, Teresa at the entrance of another opening - seeming to have just arrived herself - and all the other girls were either eating, sleeping, bandaging themselves or others, or talking casually. The older girl spotted a familiar, small blonde who was giving her a shocked, yet happy, smile. Y/N had just finished her perusal when the Betrayer spoke up, "What are you doing here, traitor?". She spoke the word with venom and like she had poison in her mouth. To Y/N's deepest disappointment, Teresa caused her to shiver.
"I-I thought you were the boys... I lost them a while back and was hoping you were them", Y/N replied as casually as she could, only faltering once. Teresa smirked, seeing Y/N's discomfort, replying, "Does it look like we are a bunch of useless boys to you? No, didn't think so". Y/N's blood boiled, 'How dare she call them useless. She did nothing in the time she was in the Glade!', the E/C eyed Glader fumed to herself, remembering the stories Newt told to her about the past year she wasn't there. And by the sounds of it, Y/N could beat Teresa any day of the week.

"Oh, did I hit a sore spot?", Teresa asked, pouting her lips and asking her as if Y/N was a baby. This just infuriated the H/C haired girl more - who did Teresa think she was, the klunkin' Queen? When Y/N didn't reply straight away, Teresa bursted into a maniacal laugh, flinging her head back and chuckling as if she had heard the funniest joke ever. Everyone just stayed where they were, just silently watching as Teresa laughed senselessly. When the raven-haired traitor stopped, she flung her head back forward with a neutral expression upon her face.
"Tie her up, next to Thomas. Now!" Some girls obeyed as they came over and grabbed Y/N before she could even take a step to run. The Glader struggled as she was dragged over the ground towards where Thomas was tied up. Y/N recognised Patra stabbing a long, thin pole into the dry earth so the girls could tie her up properly like Thomas. The girls started tying her up but Y/N caught Patra's eye, saying, "Please... Don't do this...". But her dark-skinned friend just gave her a stare that told her she was sorry, about anything and everything she and the girls had done. And Y/N just sighed and dropped her head.

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