2. Let's go!

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Patra turned from Y/N and went to open the door again. She expected it to be locked as it was before, but when she twisted the knob, the door swung open easily.
"What the shuck...?", Y/N questioned as she walked through the doorway, all the Fielders and Teresa in tow. The girls walked out, the lights were off again.
"Who turned the lights off?", Evie cried from somewhere in the crowd of girls. Y/N didn't answer as she walked over to where the light switch was (Well, where she thought it was). She felt across the wall until she felt a box like object attached to the wall, "Don't worry! I got it!". The E/C eyed girl flicked the switch and her breath hitched.

The bodies...they were gone! Matt, Flo, all of their rescuers were gone. And so was the smell, as if they had never been there.
"OK...", Patra spoke up, walking to the front of the crowd, "What the stickbrain is going on?". Murmurs broke out as the dark-skinned girl finished. Y/N overheard a few girls squeal in terror, really confused and scared of what was happening. Y/N spotted Teresa and expected her to be the most afraid at the moment. But she wasn't... In fact, she seemed to not be fazed by it! 'What is going through her head right now...?', Y/N thought suspiciously, turning back to the matter at hand.

"Look, guys!", she shouted over the top of everybody else, "I know you are probably confused and afraid right now, there has been a lot of messed up things tonight. But listen, it's quite early and we need our strength for this morning. But we can't have that if we don't rest. So everyone, just go back to our room and sleep. Teresa, you can sleep in the bunk above mine. Milly, you stay with me". Everyone murmured their agreements as they found their way back to the dorm.
"What's going on, Y/N?", Milly asked innocently as the two girls curled up in
Y/N's bed.
"I don't know, Milly. I don't know...", was the response the small blonde got. There was a long pause before Milly spoke again, "Hey,
Y/N?". Said girl grumbled in response, too tired to say proper words.
"Can you promise me something?", Y/N's bright, E/C eyes flew open and focussed on Milly.
"Of course! What is it?".
"Can you promise me that we will get out of here? That we will leave and find him, find my brother?", Milly's voice was full of such fear and desperation that it nearly brought Y/N to tears. Y/N didn't answer, she couldn't. How could she promise her that? 'How can I promise something that is probably impossible?', the former Runner thought to herself. The older girl looked down at her watch, it read: 2:30am.
"I can't promise anything, Milly. You know that...",
Y/N replied. Milly let out a shaky sigh, but Y/N quickly responded, "But I will do anything I can to make that happen. That I can promise". She heard the small blonde beside her sigh in relief as she closed her eyelids over her deep brown eyes. 'Just like Newt...', oh when would she see him again? He was alive, Teresa had said so... Y/N shook her head and promised herself, 'I will find you, Newt. I will...and bring Milly with me'. Then she closed her eyes, and welcomed the darkness as dreams of Newt filled her mind.

~Time Skip~

"What's going on?"
"Who is that?"
"Be quiet, maybe he doesn't know we are awake yet!"
Y/N woke to these mumbles as sunlight burst through the bars of the windows. The H/C haired Glader sat up groggily taking in the situation. Most girls were awake, some were still in their beds and others (Including Patra, Mary, Evie, Teresa and Milly) were at the door, whispering quick words. Y/N was curious, and so stood up and walked over to the bunch of mixed-matched girls. When she walked over, she gazed over the group and thought of a particular group of boys. In a way, they were the same, just girl versions of them. 'I miss them...', Y/N sighed sadly as she reached the group.
"What's going on?", the E/C eyed girl yawned out, stretching her tired limbs.
"Ssh!", all the Fielders shushed her harshly, bringing their index fingers to their mouths to emphasise the shush. Y/N immediately straightened up and raised her hands in mock surrender, "Gees, sorry! Just wanted to know what was going on".
"Well, can you keep your damn voice down!", Patra whisper-snapped as she leaned closer to the closed door.
"Fine...", Y/N obeyed, "Now tell me, what's going on?!".

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