3. Tunnels and Storms

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Half an hour later, the Fielders, Teresa and Y/N were ready. After Y/N spoke, all the girls went back to the dorm without question and started packing things up. They had grabbed spare clothes, blankets, and even grabbed the bed sheets off their beds.
"Just incase...", Patra had said before grabbing her full pack and exiting the dorm without a second glance.
Y/N made sure the girls grabbed some of the food, like the muesli bars and fruit, and the water bottles that Janson and his goons left behind. Once all the packs were full and everyone was lined up outside the Flat Tran 5 minutes before due time, Patra turned on the transporter.
"Alright!", Patra yelled over the group, silencing them, "We need to leave as soon as possible, but we need to do it in an orderly fashion. So, I will head in first to see if it is safe. When, or if, I pop my head out to say it's all clear, follow me one by one. Y/N, stay behind to make sure everyone is accounted for. Mary, go in the middle so you can keep people under control their. Harriet, in the middle of me and Mary. Sonya, between Mary and Y/N. Alright, let's go!".

The dark-skinned leader walked cautiously through the Flat Tran, disappearing through a silvery, grey screen. After a moment or two, Patra came back through and nodded, signalling it was all good. Y/N turned to Milly, who had been holding her hand for a while now, and said to her, "Milly, I want you to stay with Mary".
"What? Why? I want to stay with you", Milly held onto the older girl's hand tighter. The E/C eyed Glader knelt down to Milly's brown eye level, looking directly into her eyes and holding her tiny shoulders.
"I want you stay in the middle so you aren't left behind. I don't know what to expect back here, but it's a risk I need to take. I promised I would do anything I could do to get you to your brother, and this is part of that promise. So please...trust me on this one. Mary will look after you". Milly just looked at the older girl with big eyes full with fear. The brunette in question came up to the two girls talking, telling them she was about to head in.
"Please Milly, I promise I'll see you soon", Y/N said softly, adjusting the little girl's backpack so it didn't sag to the ground and weigh her down. Milly looked at
Y/N, then Mary, then the Flat Tran and back to Y/N. The small blonde nodded and then turned away, following Mary through the screen of grey and silver.

Y/N held back a few tears as she saw her 'little sister' go through. 'Who knows what I have just sent her to! Where I have sent them all to...'. But the H/C haired girl shook her head as she realised she was the last one left in the building. She looked around one last time, making sure they had what they needed, making sure no one else was there with her. She then turned back and stepped through the Flat Tran to God knows where.

~Time Skip~

For a while now, the Fielders and the two Gladers had been walking through a tunnel that had no light whatsoever. Y/N shone her little hand-held torch onto her Runner watch, it read: 11:30am. It had been an hour and a half since they had left the dormitory and still nothing had happened! 'What's WICKED playing at?', Y/N thought to herself as she continued to trudge behind the group of girls, making sure no one fell behind. Suddenly, an ear-splitting shriek was heard from further up the tunnel. Everyone stopped to hear what was happening (It was basically pitch black so they couldn't see anything).
"What's happening?!", a voice from the middle yelled above the scream.
"Turn your flashlights on!", Patra cried, Y/N would've guessed who it was a mile away. There was a lot of quick scrambling  for torches in the side of the packs, then the clicks of them turning on, then the screams and gasps of horror from what the girls saw.

Y/N pushed through the girls in front of her to see what was happening. By the time she had reached the situation, all screams were gone (Including the very first one). The E/C eyed Glader looked at the ground, only to see a sight that nearly made her puke. A Fielder's body lay on the ground, her chest torn open by, what looked like, huge claws. Blood was everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, even on the girls nearby. Y/N looked up to see that Milly and Mary were two of those blood-covered girls. The small blonde was holding onto the tall brunette, both staring at the horror on the floor, not being able to bring them selves to avert their eyes.
Y/N stepped over the mess and walked over to the two, pulling them into a huge hug.
"It's OK, guys. It's over, just relax", Y/N started saying as Milly started whimpering.
"It was Ellie...", a shaky voice said from across the circle. Everyone turned towards a girl with short, black hair and deep, green eyes.
"Ellie got killed...", she breathed out again (Elenor Roosevelt). Mary walked over to the girl in distress and pulled her into a comforting hug, "Calm down, Vickie, calm..." (Queen Victoria).

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