11. Death Rescue

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That was all she could describe them as. Inhumane, disgusting looking monsters. Y/N stood stiff in the whirling wind, shock overpowering her limbs. Out of the white capsules the monsters climbed, their hideous forms now standing only metres away from the teenagers. 'What the shuck...?', the E/C eyed Glader thought, horror flowing through her body like a raging river.

The monsters stood on two feet, like a human. In fact, the whole figure of the monsters were human-like. It was a grey, cement looking body, with no clothing or any other features. That included a face or ears, nothing but a mannequin of a grey, rippling substance. But that wasn't all that was on the body - orange bulbs hung from the front half of it's figure. From the end of his neck to where human hips were meant to be. Hundreds of the bulbs hung, bouncing as the monsters crawled out of their shells.
"What the bloody hell are those things?", Y/N turned to see Newt staring at the monsters too, his face an expression confusion and panic. The E/C eyed girl looked down to his hand, noticing that they were occupied with a certain small blonde's hand. 'That's sweet...', Y/N thought, quickly turning back to the action.

The wind howled and tried blowing the subjects over, trying to scare them as the grey figurines drew closer towards them. Everyone backed away, taking a step away as the monsters stepped towards them.
"What do we do?", someone cried from the back of the group, panic clearly laced through their voice. Y/N's mind went blank, what could they do? Most of them had no weapons and there were about three monsters to one teenager. It was impossible. The H/C haired girl looked towards Minho, hoping he would have something. But for once, the Leader had no plan, no idea that would help them get out. However, the Leader was looking towards someone else - towards Thomas. Y/N followed his gaze and looked upon Thomas' worn face. For someone quite young, the amount of knowledge and experience he possessed was for someone much, much older. But the same could be said about all of them; they had all been through something much bigger compared to some teenagers of the world. 'Why...?', the E/C eyed Glader thought, the question popping up in her head again, 'Why us? Why did we have to suffer?' Her raging thoughts were interrupted when she heard Thomas quietly command, "We fight."

Everyone stared at him as if he were crazy. Fight?! What the shuck was he thinking? He was going to get them killed with that strategy. But no one argued, only nodded and listened as Thomas continued speaking.
"Pick a weapon and fight. We are not going to let W.I.C.K.E.D. kill us off now that we have reached this far. On the count of 3, run for them and fight 'til you can't no more." All the Gladers and Fielders were fiddling about trying to find weapons while Y/N took this opportunity to grab Newt's hand. The blond in question, shocked at the sudden contact, turned and looked down at his angel.
"What is it?", he asked gently, his accent thick with worry.
"It's just...", Y/N started, looking down at the ground then back to him with renewed confidence, "It's just that I'm scared. Very scared. Scared that you or Milly or both might not make it! That we'll die, never really making it to safety. That we-". Y/N was cut off by Newt pulling her into his chest, silencing her rant.
"Y/N... None of that will happen", he stated determinedly, his voice muffled by her hair. She was about to protest when he silenced her again.
"No, Y/N. No protests. None of it will happen as long as I'm here. Not to you, Milly, Minho, our friends... I promise, we're all going to live." Y/N just nodded as a single, salty tear streamed down her face. The blond boy with calloused hands wiped away the tear, never liking it when his angel cried. All it made him feel was angry towards the thing that made her break. 'No one breaks my girl and gets away with it', he vowed silently, pulling her back into a hug. Milly saw this and smiled. Y/N had told her she and Newt were close and that she loved him, but the small blonde never realised how much she loved him. Milly cleared her throat and asked quietly, "Can I have a hug, too?".
The love birds split apart to regard the youth with them.
"Yeah, come here", Y/N said with a kind smile, Milly eagerly joining them in their hug fest. The three cuddled so tight as if just one of them let go, they would disappear.
'Well... It tends to be that way when it comes to holding on,' Y/N thought sarcastically. Newt had his eyes closed, enveloping the sweet aroma from his two favourite girls, never wanting to let go.
"I promise, you won't get hurt. The both of you will be protected, I swear to God", Newt vowed determinedly, only the two girls hearing it.

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