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I slept and awoke, slept and awoke, over and over again. Curled in a corner with no bed or anything to keep me warm, I stayed in that corner for what felt like years. I was exhausted, both physically and mentally. After all the physical pain I had gone through - running through a Death Maze - I was sore and tired to the bone. After trudging through the wretched Scorch for weeks on end, I was done. And after all the betrayals and heartaches I had gone through, after all the tears I had shed and sobs I had hollered out and the screams the entire planet heard, I had no tears to cry, no sobs to choke out, and no screams for anyone to hear.

Not anymore.

I've been curled in this corner of the padded, white room for a week now, even though I had no sense of telling time within my confinement. The workers told me it was a week when they came in yesterday to give me my meal. I had one meal a day and barely spoke, not even to myself. I hadn't bathed in ages and, without even looking in a mirror, I knew I looked like I had gone through hell and back.

Because I had.

I have endured a living hell, seeing my friends and family die in front of me when I could do nothing about it. I have run through and escaped a twisted, disgusting and horrid Maze. Only to find out that the world has turned to dust and heat.

My thoughts have wandered to my loved ones and other friends often. Everyday, at some point, I think of them.
Evie... how she sacrificed herself to try and help myself and Milly. Winston... who was killed by the same lightning storm that killed Evie.
Patra and Mary... who have been forced to bash me against their will by that stupid girl and betrayer, Teresa.
Minho... who I missed very much and who has become the Leader within these tough times.
Milly...who has become my sister, and who has been forced to grow into a wise and brave young girl in this horrid world.
And Colum...oh Colum. Who I had just found out was my brother and then he saved me by sacrificing himself. He was too young to do something so heroic, too innocent to have been involved with any of it. 'I found him... then I lost him...', I kept thinking to myself, banging my head softly against the padded walls to get the memory of him out of my head.

At some points I thought I had finally lost it, that W.I.C.K.E.D. had finally broken me completely after all this time. And I know they are watching me and they think it too, watching and assessing me on everything I do. But then I think of him. I close my eyes and think of all the happy times we had together in the Glade, in our little corner in the Deadheads. I remember the feelings he gave me when we first met, and that he still gives those feelings to me. I picture him in my mind: his soft, blonde hair, his deep, brown eyes, his pale, skinny frame that was still so strong, his rough but soft hands... I then hear his voice, his funny-accented voice, murmuring in my head. It's telling me random things, from the past or just random things he could say. And I say his name, only once out loud, but over and over again in my head. And his name on my lips sprouts hope and peace and a flare that I never knew I had.


I think of him when I am lost, when I am scared or just crazy to get out of the room. No one else, just him. And I stop banging my head, I stop my train to madness and rest it at a station of reality and saneness. I get up and pace the room, trying to stretch my legs and keep myself slightly in shape. Then I sit back down, silently, as usual. And I may not say anything but my mind is reeling. And I figure out something. That no matter what state I'm in or where I am or how far apart we are, Newt keeps me grounded and sane. He brings me back to earth and keeps me alive.
And I love him, I love him to infinity and back. I know I have no disease, but sometimes I feel I do. But as I sit in my corner, day in and day out, I think, 'He is my cure'.

Love is a cure.

Love in the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now