7. Attacks

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The next morning, Y/N woke up alone. Newt's arms were no longer around her and he was nowhere in sight. Y/N sat up, going over her recent memory of working in WICKED. She stood up and walked to the door, recalling all the things that had happened. 'How could I have done those things?', the E/C eyed girl thought angrily to herself, walking slowly down the corridor while rubbing her temples. After every night of memories, the H/C haired Glader would wake up with pounding headaches. These seemed to stay throughout the day till late in the evening. Meaning Y/N would only get a few hours of relief before welcoming the pain again.

Y/N reached the door that lead to the main room and saw that everyone was gathered around someone. The former Runner limped over (Her knee was still not in it's best shape) to the muttering crowd and asked loudly, "What's going on?". Everyone silenced and turned around, their faces indicating something wasn't right. As Y/N continued looking on in confusion, Newt came out of the crowd and stood before her.
"Jorge has a device that can tell what the weather will be like. And in just a few hours, a massive sandstorm is coming and we need to leave. Now". Y/N's face grew into shock, she realised the Scorch was dry and full of sand but she never expected there to be a sandstorm!

The older, slightly tanned, boy known as 'Jorge' stepped forward to say, "Its true, mi amigos. We have been here for days and need to move now or none of us will reach the safe haven. So pack your things, we leave in 5 minutes". Everyone just nodded and split up to grab their gear. Y/N was sitting on the squeaky mattress in the medical room when the door opened to reveal a particular, tall blonde.
"Hey", Newt greeted softly, sitting down beside Y/N as she continued packing.
"Hey, you finished packing?", she replied with a warm smile, zipping her pack up.
"Yeah, just wanted to come see how you were doing. I mean, your knee still looks a bit 'iffy' at the moment. You definitely OK?". The E/C eyed girl just nodded and stood up, Newt following. Just as she was about to walk out of the room, Newt grabbed hold of her wrist, causing her to turn and face him in surprise.

"Newt? Is there something wrong?", the girl asked gently, trying to search his face to see any signs of distress. The brown-eyed boy shook his head and continued staring into her bright, E/C eyes.
"New-", but Newt had pulled her into a big hug, enclosing his strong arms around her tinier frame. He hadn't realised how slim she had gotten, it was probably that year of missing out on food and the past few days she had been beaten by her so-called 'friends'. 'I swear they'll regret it', he vowed silently, pulling his angel even closer to him. The two finally split, holding each other at arm's length.
"What was that for, Newt?", Y/N asked softly and full of concern. He loved that about her, she was just so caring about everyone. At least that didn't change over the year.
"I just missed you, Y/N... So bloody much...", the poor boy was choking on his words now, trying not to let tears pile up in his deep, kind eyes. Y/N just sighed and said, " I missed you too, Newt. Even if it was just for those few months, I still shuckin' missed you". The two stared lovingly at each other, only now just realising how much love they both shared for one another. So Newt leaned in slowly, hoping Y/N would pick up on what he was doing. The H/C haired Glader did and copied his actions.
Now their lips were just hovering over one another, not touching but the two could feel each other's breath. 'Oh my God...', was what Y/N was thinking right now, about lean in further and-

"Hey, guys!", the two split apart faster than saying 'Griever' and looked at the doorway. Minho stood in the doorway, pack on his back, and ready to go. His expression showed amusement and a bit of mischief, but his tone was all serious when saying, "We're leaving, let's go". The bulky Asian left the two lovebirds to sort things out, walking to meet up with Jorge to sort out the plan. Y/N and Newt looked at each other, a small blush adorned both their cheeks. Whether from embarrassment or the heat, they couldn't tell, but they couldn't care less. Newt cleared his throat and spoke, "Um... So...we should probably, you know, head out to them. Need to beat the storm before it hits, aye". Y/N just nodded quickly and quickly walked with Newt out to the group.

Love in the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now