12. W.I.C.K.E.D. will pay...

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Newt held Y/N as she stared straight ahead, the whole cargo hold silent. 'Colum...why?', the blond thought to himself, rocking his poor angel back and forth in his arms.
"Newt...", the boy stopped rocking and turned her to face him. His expression asked what the matter was, and she replied, "I can stand now...". He just nodded and helped the H/C haired girl stand. He never let go though, he felt her shaking, and thought that if he let go she would fall again. And he could never let that happen - not to his girl.

So the two stood together, Newt's arms curled around Y/N's smaller frame. Suddenly, one of the teenagers' rescuers shouted, "Who are they? They aren't subjects!". And the other adults in the cargo hold held up their guns and pointed them at Jorge and Brenda. The two Cranks held their hands up, for once, not putting up a fight. This, Y/N found odd, 'They always have something to say, why not now?' But the girl was pulled from her thoughts when Thomas replied carefully, "They are no harm, they helped us here. Without them, we wouldn't have survived".
"I don't care," the man who spoke shot back. "They are Cranks, and could kill us all if we don't kill them!".

"Stop it!", everyone turned to see Y/N out of Newt's arms and in between the man and the Cranks.
"Stand back, girlie!", the man snarled, not lowering his gun.
"No! They helped us, and we bargained with them," Y/N explained, remembering what Newt had told her.
"We told them that if they helped us, that they would receive the cure for the Flare. And they upheld their end of the bargain, so we must do the same." The man was all flustered and fuming, stepping angry steps towards the E/C eyed Glader. Y/N didn't dare move; showing weakness or fear would only make him scarier.
"I told you, girlie. I don't care! They're Cranks, and, if you were smart enough, you would've killed them when you met them. Now move or you'll be shot!" She didn't and this made the man even angrier. Newt could see this and dashed over to intervene, anger racing through his blood.

"Not on my watch, buddy," Newt threatened as he stood in front of his angel, getting right in the man's face. The two just glared daggers into each other's eyes until Thomas yelled from behind, "Please, just let them go. They kept us alive". The man sighed and stepped away from Newt, turning to face Thomas. All the while, Newt turned to Y/N and dragged her out of harm's way.
"I could handle him, ya know," Y/N muttered, not looking at Newt but at the scene before them.
"I wasn't going to risk it. He seemed pretty damned pissed; he would've shot if you kept talking," the blond replied, also looking at the action. Y/N just huffed and concentrated on the events currently.
"Alright, hero," the man said arrogantly, "I'll leave one alone. You choose who I kill and who you keep". Thomas visibly stiffened, Y/N could practically see the cogs turning in his head. 'He can't choose... He's not like that,' the H/C haired girl thought, a shocked and disgusted expression crossing her face. But in a matter of seconds, Thomas lifted his right arm and pointed, "Her."

He was pointing at Brenda, the one he had gotten close to, the one who comforted him when he thought of Teresa. Newt was shocked, to say the least. Nobody saw it coming and yet everyone saw it happening. The man smirked and grunted, swiftly walking over the dark-haired girl, grabbing her arm and pressing the gun to her forehead.
"Thomas!", Minho cried out, confused as everyone, "What are you doing?" Thomas didn't answer, only stared at the man and Brenda emotionless. As if he didn't care he was condemning someone to death.
"Tommy, stop this nonsense right now," Newt commanded, arms still wrapped around Y/N. But still the boy didn't listen, only stared on nonchalantly. Y/N turned towards Brenda, her expression just like Thomas'. No fear, or terror, or shock or anything. Not even her brown eyes showed any emotion. And that caught Y/N in a question, 'Why don't they feel anything?'

The man then turned back to Thomas, his expression asking the boy if he wanted to change his mind. But Thomas just nodded, a small smile quirking at the corners of his lips. The man didn't turn back, only held his gaze with Thomas while still holding the gun to Brenda's tanned head. The room was filled with so much tension that Y/N could cut the tension-filled air with a knife. Everyone held their breath, held the stare, didn't dare to breath, blink or move. And suddenly, the man dropped his gun, everyone's breath releasing.
"Alright, you win," the man sighed in defeat, "But they come with me next door."
"How can we trust you?", Minho shouts from behind Thomas, stepping forward to be seen and heard.
"All you need to know is this. My name is David and you have now finished the trials. If you follow me, you will be given further instructions". This should've started a river of whispers and murmurs, but it didn't. Everyone had nothing to say, they just kept repeating one thing over and over again their minds. 'No more...', Y/N thought, disbelief rushing through her.
"No more trials?", Y/N hadn't realised Milly was standing beside her until then.
"No more", the man nodded, his face going soft and sincere for the small child. But the expression didn't last long, for he straightened up and walked over to two other adults in black combat gear. One was a tall and muscular man, like David, only with no hair at all. The other was a women that looked to be in her mid thirties. A blonde pixie cut covered her head and bright green eyes sparkled under the one light in the room. David murmured something to the both of them quickly, turning back to the teenagers as the two soldiers walked to the Cranks and led them out of a door.

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