1. Subjects and tattoos

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Y/N and the rest of the Fielders gaped at their rescuers hanging from the ceiling. Ropes were hung around their necks and were pulled tightly to shorten the strangling process. Y/N nearly vomited at the look on their faces. They were purple and hideous, almost as hideous as the crazed people outside. Matt's tongue hung out of his open mouth, twisted in a snarl of (What looked like) defiance. The H/C haired girl stepped back and stared at the other faces of Matt's team. Flo had her eyes wide open, a sliver of terror still hung in her eyes. And the red-headed chick with the green eyes looked as if she gave up, as if she'd let this happen without a fight. 'How did this happen...? And without us noticing?', Y/N questioned silently to herself, tearing her eyes from the dead rescuers.

Milly was sobbing from fright and so the former Runner went over to her and shushed her.
"Ssh... It's alright, Milly. I got you, don't worry. I got you...", Y/N just quietly repeated till Milly calmed down. The E/C eyed girl held the small blonde at arms length, giving her a gentle smile, receiving one in turn.
"Aris!", all the girls turned towards Mary, "What about Aris? We need to check if he's OK!". Patra nodded, yelling to the girls to follow her. Y/N took Milly's hand again, squeezing it tight, as they walked over to the door to Aris' room. The group walked passed all the dead bodies and across the room to the door that Aris always went through in the mornings and evenings.

On the front of the door, it had a label that read: Aris.
"Alright, Fielders", Patra called over the group in a low voice, "We will go in there, but be quiet. It might alert those...whatever those were that we're here. Got it? OK, let's go". The dark-skinned girl slowly opened the door, the hinges creaking eerily. Y/N could feel Milly's hand trembling within her own. So she squeezed it tight, willing her to be brave and have courage. The door fully opened and the Fielders held their breaths.
Nothing happened, no one moved within the room, the girls released their breaths.
"Alright, move in after us. Slowly...", Patra and Mary, followed by Y/N and Milly, moved in through the doorway and into the smaller room. The girls split up and searched the room.
"Aris?", Mary called, "Where is he...".
"Stop!", Patra raised her hands to silent everyone, "What's that noise?". Soon, everybody picked up the sound; it was a toilet flushing.
"Oh thank God!", Mary breathed a sigh of relief, walking over to the door. Suddenly, the door flung open, revealing a girl with long, dark hair, and tired (But bright) blue eyes. The girl stopped in the doorway of bathroom in shock. Where did all these girls come from? The Fielders just stared back at her, shocked as well. Where was Aris? How and when did she get here?
"Who the stickhead are you?", Patra blurted out, not really caring if it came across harsh or rude.
"The question is...", the blue-eyed girl spoke softly, but loud enough for them all to hear, "Is who are you guys?".
"We don't need to tell you anything! Where's Aris?", Mary bellowed to the girl, walking up to her pretty, little face. The girl held up her hands in defense, "I don't know who or what you are talking about".
"Stop lying! This is Aris' room, where is he?", Mary now had grabbed ahold of the front of the new girl's shirt, bringing her closer to argue with.
"Mary!", Y/N exclaimed, "She's not gonna tell us shuck if you keep going like that. Let her go, so we can talk properly". Mary hesitated, still not trusting the new girl, but obediently let go and stepped back a step.
"Now, talk", Patra calmly commanded, holding Mary's elbow to keep her in place.
"Alright...", the newbie straightened her shirt, cleared her throat, and began. "My name is Teresa, and this is my room. I got here last night".

Murmurs were heard through the group, whispers of confusion and surprise. When the girl introduced herself, Y/N felt a wave of familiarity pass over her. She knew this girl, but how? Patra raised a dark hand into the air to silence the crowd, to question 'Teresa'.
"Well, if this is your room, Teresa...", Mary spat out the girl's name as if it were poison, "How come Aris' name is on the door?".
"Um... Mary?", a tall, tanned girl called from the doorway, "You may want to see this". Y/N was over first, followed by Mary and Patra. When the trio arrived, their faces were ones of utter confusion. The label that had read 'Aris' only moments ago, now read: Teresa Agnes. 'What?', Y/N was confused now, 'How did it just...change?!'. Another burst of murmurs and whispers broke out, but only lasted a few seconds before Mary had Teresa pinned to the wall.
"Where's Aris!", she bellowed at Teresa, shoving her angry face into Teresa's slightly scared one. "Where is he? Where did he go? Where did you come from?", it took three girls (Including Y/N) to pull the raging brunette off of the newbie.
"Calm, Mary. Calm!", Y/N said, tightening her grip on the brunette's forearm and shoulder. She needed to calm down or they weren't going to get anywhere. 'And those people outside to find us again...', Y/N didn't like the thought of it and shuddered.

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