5. I missed you...

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It was Newt!
After so long, she finally found him. Alive and well. She knew it was him, she could never forget those deep, brown, kind eyes of his. Never. And she could never forget his soft blonde hair, pale but freckly skin, his everything. Her tired, E/C eyes scanned him over, taking in his new clothing, his new body build, and definitely the new scars that covered his face. Although she couldn't see his arms and legs, Y/N was willing to bet there were much horrifying scars to see.

"N-Newt?", the broken girl croaked out of her dry throat, raising a hand off the ground to touch him. Bad move, she didn't last five seconds before she collapsed again. But he was there, he was kneeling on the ground with her. He was in just as much disbelief as she was. After all this time...
He knelt down to her and took hold of her shoulders. She looked up at this, into his deep, brown, kind eyes. Those eyes were full of so many emotions: pain, sadness, relief, joy, shock, and many, many more. Newt's eyes started to tear up, some escaping his gorgeous eyes, and saying, "Y-Y/N?".

She just nodded as tears of her own flowed down her
S/C cheeks. With that, Newt let go of his breath (A breath he didn't even realise he was holding) and embraced Y/N in his trembling arms. Sobs of relief and pain escaped his mouth as Y/N leaned into his touch. Even the feeling of being in his arms was familiar! Her weak arms somehow managed to copy the blonde's actions and wrap themselves around his shaking form. But she could still feel the muscle he had built up since the last time she had seen him. He was just a scared sixteen year old boy when she had left him, now he was seventeen - strong and grown up. She just couldn't believe it was him, so she hugged him as tight as her weak arms could, not ever going to let go.

"It's...it's really you...", Newt sobbed out, burying his head into the crook of her neck. She still had that unique scent about her, the scent of happiness. It wasn't the smell of a flower, but of an emotion: Happiness. She had always smelt like that. And when she was taken away by the Grievers, that scent of happiness that had flowed through the air was gone. Y/N didn't have the strength to speak back, her throat was so sore and dry, so she just hummed as loud of a hum as she could in confirmation. Newt heard and continued to cry and weep and sob and ball his eyes out. After a year of having fun with her, getting to know her and fall in love. After a moment of losing her to WICKED. After a year of thinking she was dead. After a few months of hoping to meet her and here he was. Finally, with her back in his arms. 'I'm never letting go', he pledged silently, 'Never...'. Minho had never seen Newt this emotional, apart from when Y/N was supposedly dead. Newt never really wore his heart on his sleeve, so to speak. He usually kept it all inside, making sure to be nothing but happy for everyone. But now... Minho looked to Frypan, knowing he would feel the same. Frypan felt Minho's stare on him and so turned, the sadness in his eyes being enough for the bulky Asian to turn back.

Suddenly, Y/N felt a strong tug on her. She was then ripped out of Newt's protective arms and into the hands of the Fielders again. Newt had felt Y/N being pulled away and so tried grabbing for her, screaming for her. But the Fielders didn't listen, they only started to follow Teresa's orders. The beating started again: the punches, kicks, weapons being rammed into her. Usually she would stay silent, knowing the girls would never do this. But after encountering Newt, her Newt, again, the emotions were running wild through her. She was so tired of being beat up everyday and so she cried and screamed and bellowed and yelled. The tears were like waterfalls down her face by now, obscuring her vision. Not that there was anything to see at all, really.
"Ah! Stop, just stop! Please, I'll do anything! Just STOP!", the H/C haired girl pleaded, begged, as the girls continued to pound her. Newt got to his feet and started sprinting towards the group.
"Stop! Leave her alone!", he cried as he reached the group, about to pull the girls away from his girl.

Love in the Scorch (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now