6. Memories and tears

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"Stop it, ...!", Y/N cried out as she lay on the floor giggling. Subject A5 didn't listen and continued tickling his poor nurse till her sides ached. As Y/N stopped giggling and sat up from the floor, A5 said, "That's for pranking me the other day". Y/N thought back on the memory and started laughing again.
"You have to admit", she said between giggles, "it was quite funny!". A5 just shook his head and smiled. Y/N stopped giggling and looked at the boy in front of her. He had grown quite handsome over the past few months and she hadn't even realised it. His tousled, dirty-blonde hair always looked so soft, regardless of all the training he did each day. His pale skin was somehow dotted with cute, little freckles that made him (To Y/N) even more adorable! But his eyes, God his eyes! They were his most distinguishing feature, just how deep they were and how innocent and honest they were when your eyes connected his. In fact, it was the first thing she noticed about him when she first saw him.

A few months ago, Y/N had finally convinced her guardian, Dr Ava Paige, to let her help with the program. So Ava decided to let her become one of the personal nurses the children got. And although she was only 14 at the time, she was the brightest person in the department, allowing her to become one of those nurses. The E/C eyed girl was then assigned one of the old boys, a boy who had been there from the start. He never had a nurse for long because he was so upset about his family and didn't like the whole experimentation thing that was going on. This made him a very unpleasant kid to work with. But Y/N wasn't going to give up, she went into that room and striked up conversation with the brown-eyed boy. At first he was silent and brooding, then he was quiet and shy, then finally he was an open book for her to read. Y/N had also become quite open to him too. She never really did but he just made her feel...free. Feel open and free.

Over the past few months, they had become best friends. Always playing with each other, always talking and always doing everything together. But something else was there, something she couldn't quite grasp. It happened the day he turned 15, after she handed him his present. It was a leather wrist band that had his name weaved into it. He had hugged her so tightly and smiled at her so warmly that something just arose in her stomach whenever she saw him.

Back to the present time, Y/N looked him over and smiled. The happy memories of being with him made her smile, but then she remembered what Janson had told her.
"Whatever you do, Y/N. Don't you dare get attached to him. 'Cause you know you'll eventually have to let him go, and I don't think you want to be hurt by it, do you now?". Y/N never thought that a lab rat could make her open up so easily, but he did.
"What are you looking at?", A5 asked with a smirk, catching his nurse staring at him. Normally, Y/N would get extremely flustered, but not this time.
"I was just staring and realising what a great friend you are, and how lucky I am to have you", was her response, smiling kindly back at him. He just chuckled a little and looked away from her.
"Well, I guess I am lucky to have an amazing nurse like you looking after me", he responded with a small smile, still not looking at her. Y/N frowned at this, expecting him to say something about being his friend. He spotted this and laughed.
"Alright, you are a pretty awesome friend too", he commented with a slight chuckle lacing his already accented voice. God she loved his accent, how it made ordinary words sound so interesting.

The two laughed a bit more, enjoying the time they had together. Y/N was just staring at her lap when she felt her hand being intwined with someone else's. The
H/C haired girl looked up in surprise at A5, who wasn't smiling. He was just staring at their hands seriously, interlacing his fingers with her S/C ones.
"I know I have to leave sometime soon...", he started off with a serious tone, but it was also laced with sadness, "And that I will probably forget ever meeting you". That broke her heart, her best friend forgetting who she was? It was just unthinkable!
"But I want you to promise me something", he continued now looking at the girl with pleading eyes, "I want you to promise me that no matter what happens to me, if we meet again and I don't remember you, that you won't give up on me? That you will fight for me? Because I would want to remember everything about you. Every little detail, even the unnoticeable ones that I haven't seen yet".

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