4. What are you doing?!

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Rubble flew everywhere as the girls were thrown to the ground. Y/N's head hit the ground, just like it did when Gally took her out in the fight ring. Her head bursted with agonising pain as it did, her vision going blurry. And although her hearing seemed to have been muted, her brain was a battle of thoughts, faces, and voices. 'Voices...so many...voices'.
"Y/N! Get up!", Milly was in front of Y/N's still blurry vision, "Hurry! Get up!". As soon as the small blonde said that, Y/N thought she must have gone crazy. She wasn't seeing the innocent little blonde she had grown accustomed to, she was seeing Newt. Newt's face, Newt's body, Newt's freckles, blonde hair, his eyes.
"N-Newt?", she breathed out. After not being with him for so long, her imaginations were running wild.
"Y/N! We don't have time for this, get up!", Milly yanked the poor, H/C haired girl to her feet and didn't wait for a response as she started yanking the still bewildered girl.

Y/N shook her head, remembering she was with Milly and the Fielders, not Newt and the Gladers. 'But it seemed so real...', Y/N just shook it off and started sprinting with Milly towards wherever they were going. The two girls caught up to everyone else, all huffing and puffing as the lightening drew near.
"What took ya so long, Stick?", Mary called out as Y/N and Milly drew up beside the fast brunette.
"First thing the boys taught me as a Runner", the former Runner called out, "is that you don't talk while running!". Mary didn't question it as she continued sprinting with the other girls. Y/N knew they had to speed up, so she reached beside her and grabbed Milly's small, pale hand, yanking her along as Y/N sprinted the life out of her legs.

The lightening, once again, struck the ground but near the Fielders this time. It just barely missed Patra and Evie up ahead, since those two were the tallest of them all.
"Ah!", Milly's hand slipped out of Y/N. The E/C eyed girl turned around to see Milly on the ground, her ankle twisted in an odd way.
"Milly!", Y/N cried as she ran back to help her. The older girl knelt down to inspect the injury, it was twisted way out of it's usual place and the small blonde's cries were full of pain that it had to be painful.
"It hurts!", Milly cried as tears cascaded down her soft, pale cheeks.
"Come on, Milly. On my back, I'll carry you", Y/N urged as she was already hauling the small girl onto her already aching back. With another moan from Milly, Y/N took of as fast as she could without inflicting more pain to the child on her back.

Y/N was fast but with Milly on her back, the process was slowed down quite dramatically. But she persevered on, holding Milly tight to her and concentrating on her breathing in time with her legs.
"Look!", Y/N heard Patra call from far ahead, "Buildings!". Sure enough, tall, skyscraper-like structures were scene before them all as the lightening lit up like a torch. Y/N's entire body was then hit with a jolt of adrenaline, sprinting off at a hundred miles per hour. Suddenly, lightening came zapping down to the ground, hitting one of the girls near Y/N. The girl's scream of terror was not heard as thunder rolled over it. Y/N didn't need to look back to know the girl was dead, that she had been fried alive by the bolt of electricity. And she knew she would end up like that if she didn't keep running! So she did, she kept running. Even with tears blurring her vision, even with Milly weighing her down slightly, even as more girls were electrocuted around her... She kept running.

Up ahead, Patra and Evie had arrived at buildings, now ushering everyone in. Patra looked around to see if that was everyone, but it wasn't. 'Y/N and Milly!', she thought frantically as she turned around to see the two figures hobbling along.
"Hurry up, stickbrains!", the Warrior yelled to them, "The lightening will get you!".
Y/N didn't need encouragement to keep sprinting, the thought of being fried alive was motivation enough. But she was so close, they were so close... Y/N's foot stepped on something hard and unusually formed, causing her foot to slip and bring her face to face with the ground again.
"Ah!", the two toppled down, Milly flying off Y/N's back and a few metres in front of where Y/N lay. The two groaned in agony, Milly's ankle hurt even more, Y/N's knee had twisted out of place.
"Y/N! Milly! Hang on, I am coming!", Y/N looked up, with her blurry vision, to see a certain red-head sprinting towards them. The H/C haired Glader looked up even more to see lightening brew...right above Evie!
"No, Evie! Stay bac-", but it was too late. A flash of white light flew straight down and zapped Evie, her cries not heard over the growling thunder. Both Milly and Y/N were thrown into the air and then onto the hard ground again, further away from Evie than before.

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