#19 He comforts you :)

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Louis: You and Louis had just gotten married, and were on an airpane flying to France for you guys' honeymoon. "Hello, we will be having some unexpected rough air. All passengers and flight attendants must be seated." the pilot announced. You were already terrified of airplanes (it took Louis three hours to convince you to go on it), and now turbulence? You woke Louis up. "Louis?" you whispered. "Sweets? What is it?" he yawned. "There's gonna be turbulence," you said, frightened because the plane was already shaking. He lazily slung an arm around you and said, "It's gonna be okay." "But, what if we crash?" you asked worriedly. "Into what, a cloud? Love, don't worry," Louis smiled and squeezed your hand. The plane shook some more. "LOUIS!" you screamed. People turned around to look at you. "Sshh, it's nothing, it's nothing," he said, stroking you rhair.

Niall: You hate spiders. You're scared of them, think they're gross, and just despise them. One day as you were washing the dishes you saw a spider on the window. You screamed, dropping the glass you were washing, which fell on your foot. "Ow!" you yelled out in pain, and jumped on your other foot. Great, you thought. Niall came running in, to see the blood, broken glass, and spider. And you sitting on the table, whimpering. "Sssh, it's okay, princess. See, it's on the outside. It can't hurt you," he said, hugging you. He helped you off the table and put a band-aid on your foot. "Sorry," you muttured. He gently kissed your forehead "It's alright," he smiled warmly. "Thanks, Niall. You know I hate spiders," you sighed. "They're just spiders," he shrugged. You looked down, ashamed. "Think of them as humans! Tiny, furry, eight-legged humans," he smiled. "Spiders. Are. Not. Humans." you laughed. "Well, I tried to cheer you up." 

Harry: "HARRY!! AAHH! THERE'S A MONSTER UNDER MY BED!! HARREEEHHH!!!!" you screamed. He ran into the room and turned the lights on. "Where?" he asked dramatically. "In there," you whispered, pointing under your bed. He looked under your bed, faking. "Nothing here, babe," he chuckled. "They're hiding," you trembled. You just watched a horror movie, and now strongly believed in monsters. 'Would it make it better if I slept with you?" he asked. now genuinely concerned for you. "But, you have to write your song lyrics," you protested. Harry was already climbing onto your bed. "True, but I'm tired, and you are more important to me," he said, and kissed you softly. "I am?" you asked. "Yes you are. Far more important." "Thank you Harry," you smiled.

Liam: You've been sick for a week now, and Liam was doing everything he could possibly do to make you feel better. You kept saying you were fine, but Liam said he had to take care of you. Everytime he catches you doing something by yourself, he immediately stops you and does it for you by himself. Today, you were having the worst possible headache. "Ow, Liam, could you get me some pain relievers?" you called. He came in right away. "Woody to the rescue," he smiled, and gave you the medicine. "Cuddle?" you asked. "Of course," he said, getting into bed with you. By now, your head was killing you, and tears were slipping down your face. "Sshh, the medicine will kick in, it's okay," he cooed, hugging you. Soon you felt better.

Zayn: "I hope I get into college," you said excitedly. Zayn nodded, smiling but wearily. You've been waiting for the mail all day, because it would show your results on the test you had to take for college. "I have to go to the store, Y/N, okay?" Zayn told you. You nodded, and he head out. You walked outside and sat next to your mailbox. You really wanted to see if you got in or not. FInally, it came when Zayn was still gone. You ripped open the paper, and you frowned when you saw there was only one paper. You read the first line. We are sorry to say that your college application results were not what we were looking for. You burst into tears, crumbling the paper and throwing it away, walking home. You had no idea Zayn got home, and opened the door, sobbing. "What is it?" he asked, worried. "I I didn't get in...I'm not good enough," you cried. He hugged you tightly. "It's their own loss. You are the most intelligent, beautiful, and smartest girl I know." 


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