#35 He picks someone/something over you :(

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Liam: "Ready for the game?" you asked Liam. "What do you mean?" he asked, getting up from the couch you both were snuggled on. "I saw the tickets. I'm coming, right?" you asked, smiling. "Well, um..." his face was turning red. "Liam?You're kidding me, right?" you asked in disbelief. He sat back down and placed his head in his hands, running his hand through his hair. "Well, no, actually," he mumbled. "Well, you had two tickets, so I kind of figured..." you trailed off. Liam sighed. "You have to stop looking through my stuff. That ticket was meant for Zayn. Since when did sports matter to you anyways?" he said bitterly. Your eyes pooled with tears. "Sorry," you muttured, and went to your room. You didn't really care about the game; you just wanted to spend some time with Liam before he went on tour, which was next week. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door, followed with "Y/N?" There was a silence. He opened the door and sat down next to you. "Babe, I promised Zayn that I'd take him. I didn't really think about you," he admitted. "Well, you should've," you huffed. "C'mon, don't be like this," he said, pulling you into his arms. You sighed. "It's alright, I didn't really want to go," you said after a while. He pulled away, looking annoyed. "Then why'd you make a sucha big deal over-" "Because I wanted to spend time with you!" you interrupted, annoyed with him as well. He made a pouty face. "I'm sorry, baby. Tomorrow we can spend the whole say together, alright? Is that okay?" he asked, hugging you and nudging his face in your shoulder. You couldn't help but smile. "Liam?" you asked. "Yeah?" he replied. "Your game. You're late" you stated. "Shit!" he yelled, getting up and ready to pick up Zayn, swearing the whole time. 

Louis: "Yeah, her name's Y/N, and I lover her" Louis said on the radio, when asked if he had a girlfriend or not. You smiled. You were listening to Louis' live interview over the radio, smiling at every little thing he said. "So, here's another twitter question. If you could pick on person to live with for the rest of your life, stranded on an island, who would it be?" the interviewer asked. "It would definitely be Harry," he stated. "Okay, last question-" you turned off the radio. Why Harry? Didn't he just say that he loved you? Why not you? You decided to ask him later, and took a shower. When you were done, you saw that Louis was back home. Which made sense, he was fifteen minutes away from home and you took long showers. "Hey, did you tune in?" he asked when you walked in. You didn't say anything; instead you let your thoughts take over. He doesn't really love you, you thought when he stared at you. You walked into the kitched to make some dinner. "What do you want for dinner?" you asked. He got up and hugged you from behind, which made you drop the pan you were holding. "Anything, love," he whispered. You pulled away. "Why so lovey-dovey when its all fake?" you asked. "Why are being so cold with me when I didn't do anything?" he mocked back. Then he added, "I love you, what are you talking about?" "I quote 'It would definetely be Harry'" you said, mocking his voice. "Why not me?" you couldn't help but act like a child. He stared, then erupted into laughter. "You're joking!" he laughed. "Well, tell me," you pressured. He stopped laughing, realizing you were serious. "Because if you were stranded on an island with me, you're screwed and you won't make it alive. I couldn't do that to you," Your heart melted. You were mad at him for this. "Oh," you said, embarassed. "Love you," you gave a small smile. "You're adorable when you're jealous, even when it's just Harry," he laughed. You rolled your eyes and went back to cooking.

Zayn: You waited for hours, literally hours, but Zayn didn't come when he said that he would. It was your birthday, and you didn't even throw a party because you wanted to be with Zayn, but he didn't ever show up, leaving you to eat all the snacks and watch all the movies that you picked out for the two of you. He said he'd be over at eight, and you even got up early for that, but no, he didn't come. Now it was seven at night, when you heard the door open. You stayed at your spot on the couch. "Babe, I'm early! Happy Birthday!" he yelled cheerfully. Early? How is eleven hours late early at all? "C'mon, it's your birthday, don't be mad! What's wrong" he asked, sitting down next to you and setting your present aside. He looked at the half-eaten snacks, and the opened movie sleeves. "Uhm, explain?" he asked. "Why don't you explain why you're eleven hours late and consider it early?" you snapped. "Whoa, what? I said I'd be over at eight!" he yelled. "It's seven!" you screamed. "I wasn't talking about the morning! I was talking about at night! Eight at night! How could you be so stupid?" he glared at you. "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!' you scream. You didn't care if you were acting immature. You got up and walked into your room, slamming the door and locking it as well. "I thought you'd know that I was talking about P.M.!" he said, knocking at your door a few minutes later. "Well, I didn't! And you wouldn't reply to my calls or texts!" you said angrily. You were just really pissed. "My phone died, okay?" he said softly. You opened the door. "Sorry for being a dick and screaming at you on your birthday," he apologized sincerely. "I don't know..." "We can still celebrate your birthday. We have time," he said hopefully, looking at his watch. "Okay, fine. And you're forgiven," you smiled at his effort. After that, all you guys really did was order a pizza and talk all night. It wasn't much, but to you, it was everything.

NOTE: For Niall's you guys are friends. Just friends. At high school.

Niall: "Hey Niall, do you like me?" you asked your best friend, who you've had a crush on for a long time. Niall Horan. "He likes me, we've discussed it," his other friend, Holly, walks over to you. "Oh, uhm," you sadi awkwardly. "I like you both," he admitted, laughing. "Yeah, but who do you like more? More than a friend," Holly pressured. "You guys aren't going to make me pick..." he mumbled. "Sorry, Niall, but you're going to have to," you said, patting his shoulder. He backed away. "Pick one of us! Me or her!" she yelled harshly. Niall looked scared, to be honest. So you nicely added, "You don't have to, not today," Holly glared at you. "Yes, he does. And he will. Aren't you Niall? Who do you like mroe?" she said, nearing closer to him. "I...I don't know!" he said honestly. The bell rung, signaling the next class. "You're telling us after school, right here," she said. "Fine," he agreed, and the three of you rushed to class. You couldn't help but wonder who Niall liked more than a friend as the teacher talked aimlessly about physics and science. You really hoped that he would say your name. The bell finally rung, after you counted down each minute. You packed up and made your way across campus to see that Niall and Holly were already there, kissing against a wall. You were crushed, just totally crushed. You looked at the both of them, and felt tears at your eyes. You really thought that he would pick you, seeing how you were nice about the whole situation and all. You walked away, quickly wiping away the tears as you decided that you were going to go home. "Y/N, wait!" Niall yelled, pushing away from Holly. "No, Niall, you like her. Stay with her, she makes you happy." you said tearfully. "And she's beautiful," you added as you kept walking. Niall was behind you, Holly right on his tail. "Niall, no. Forget her, she doesn't like you," she called. "But...I-" he paused, looking at you as you walked away. "I guess you're right," he sighed as Holly smiled and kissed him again, leaving you to go home and cry your eyes out.

Harry: "Hi Harry!" you smiled cheerfully as he unlocked the door to the flat. "Hello," he replied, taking his shoes off and walking over to your place in the kitchen. "What are you making?" he asked. "Pasta," you replied, showing him what you've made. "Great." he stated, sitting down on a chair in the kitchen awkwardly. "I'm excited for our date tonight," you hummed. "Right," Harry said nervously. You turned around to look at him. "What?" you asked. "Well, I have an interview today and-" "Harry, you can't!" you exclaimed. You both were going to go on a date that both of you have planned for months, seeing how he always had to cancel because ot concerts and interviews. He solidly promised months before-hand that nothing wold stop the date from happening. Now what? "I have to," he sighed, running his hands through his hair. "But, we talked about this,": you looked at the ground, turning away from him and trying not to cry. You were really excited, too. "Can we do it next week?" he asked hopefully. "We'll have to cancel, and I bet next week you'll have even more interviews! And you promised! This is so unfair, Harry!" you yelled in frustration. "The pasta is burning," he muttured. You forcefully turned off the stove. "I'm sorry, I have to go," he said, all glum."I bet you want to go there more than you would on a date with me," you said coldly. "Sometimes," he replied. "What!?" you said, shocked. You turned around to meet his eyes. "Well yeah, sometimes you're a bitch," he said calmly, looking out the window. "I can't believe you!" you screamed, and sat on the couch to silently cry. "I swear, that just came out," Harry followed you out of the kitchen. "Just go, you'll be late for the interview," you sobbed. So much for silently crying. Harry put on his shoes and left for his interview, which you didn't bother to watch on television. You spent your time by watching T.V. and crying. Hours later, Harry came back from his interview with chocolates and flowers, looking at you nervously."I really didn't mean it," Harry sighed. You waited for him to say what you wanted to hear. "I'm an idiot and I was wrong," he finally said. "Aww, c'mere!" you smiled and pulled him in for a hug, forgiving him immediately. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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