#28 He loses a bet :D

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This preference was an idea from Best_Song_Ever so...yeah! I hope she and everyone else who reads this enjoys! I'm sorry this is super late, unacceptable, but I'm sick and have homework (yeah, what a lame excuse) Lol but I love you all, and I will start updating more, or will at least try my hardest.

Harry: "I bet Niall is gonna start snogging that girl over there," you said to Harry, pointing over at an extremely drunken Niall. "I bet he won't," Harry said confidently. Niall was moving closer to her. "What are you betting?" you asked seriously. "Twenty pounds," he said smugly. "I don't wan't money...I wan't something else," you said, maybe a bit seductively. Harry looked over at you. "Deal!" he said immediately, getting the idea that if he lost the bet, he would have some fun tonight with you. Harry ran over to Niall and the other girl, smashed their lips together, then came back to you, lust in his eyes. "Uh oh, I guess I lost the bet!" he said equally as seductive. "Good, because I wanted a trip to the candy store, not money!" you said, and dragged him to the nearby candy store as he was shocked and open-mouthed, not expecting that trick. "But, I thought-" "You thought wrong, Styles, you thought wrong," you said, as Harry groaned in dissapointment.

Liam: One day, as you were tidying up the flat you and Liam shared, Liam came in, leaving the door open and looking kind of scared and embarassed. "Li?" you asked. He looked over at you, nervously. "Yes Y/N?" he replied. "Have something to tell me?" you asked, wondering what in the world it could be. "Um, Y/N, I just have to say that...I'm a big fat poopy head," he said quickly, and ran away. You stared at him as he ran away, outside. Louis and Harry who were at the door were laughing like crazy. "What happened? Why did Liam say...um...that?" you asked Harry. Harry stopped laughing to try and breathe, but he couldn't so Louis spoke up and said, "Liam lost a bet and this is what he had to do..." and he burst out laughing again. "Poor Liam," you said, shaking your head at Louis and Harry, who were now hysterical. "Why did you do that?" you asked. Harry shrugged, still laughing. You sighed and shook your head. "I'm gonna find Liam," you announced, knowing how embarrased he must be.

Zayn: "I hate losing bets," Zayn murmured. You were still laughing over how Zayn lost the bet. You said that Harry would soon hook up with a girl this week, and Zayn disagreed, therefore forming a bet between you both. I fhe lost the bet, he would have to embarrass himself in some way at the mall. "What do you want me to do?" he asked. "Hmm, well, since you lost the bet...you have to walk through the mall with only your boxers on!" you said. "No way!" Zayn said, shocked by what you said. You grinned, nodding. "Yes, Zayn. You lost the bet, you have to do it!" you said smugly. He sighed, and slowly slipped down his trousers, as you grinned, revealing his boxers that had...smiley faces on them! "No, no, no! No way! I have to switch these out!" he gasped. You pushed him into the open where everyone was, into a 1D store. Everyone gasped as he stood, embarrassed. The directioners ran to him, and Zayn hung his head down, knowing it would be a long day for him. You videotaped the whole thing and posted it on YouTube, of course.

Louis: "I bet Zayn is going to check himself in the mirror in five minutes," you said to Louis, nudging him. "I say not," Louis replied. "How much?" you asked. "I bet on Kevin that he won't," Louis grinned. "We'll see," you smiled, and you slipped out your phone and set it to time five minutes. You guys waited, and soon it was down to thirty seconds. Louis was bragging to himself about how he always wins bets. Then, when there were ten second left, Zayn flipped out his mirror, did a quick self check of his hair, and then put it back in his pocket. Louis gasped as your phone started beeping. Five minutes were over. "But...I-" "No buts, Louis. Hand over Kevin," you said seriously. He sighed, went to his room, and got out Kevin. "Can I at least say a few last words?" he asked. You nodded, as he whispered sweet things to Kevin. "Here you go, I can't look," he said, turning away and giving Kevin to you. You kept Kevin for five minutes, then you gave it back to Louis, not knowing what to do with the bird. Louis was overjoyed and extremely happy.

Niall: Niall is your friend, so when Zayn made a bet with Niall and told Niall that if he lost the bet he'd have to kiss you, you were a bit weirded out, but you were also happy because Niall is your crush. NIall lost the bet. Niall cursed under his breath when he found out he lost. "What is it, Niall?" you asked, fully knowing what it was. "Well, er, Y/N, you see, I lost- well actually..." he looked over at you, helpless. "I lost a bet," he murmured. "Oh," you said, not knowing how to react to that. "What do you have to do?" you asked him. He abruptly kissed you on the lips. "That, is what I had to do," he said, blushing and looking at the ground. "Hey," you said, causing him to look up. "it's alright," you said to him. He nodded, then you both were silent for a while. "Y/N?" he asked. "Yeah?" you replied. "Can we do that again? Because I-" he was interrupted by you kissing him hard on the lips. "Me too," you whispered at him, and you both started dating after a week.

This took forever! I'm sorry! But I still love writing preferences and will always be open to requests! Always! Oh, and what do you guys think of This Is Us? Did anyone watch it? Honestly I cried the whole time...

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