#7 You see him crying :'(

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  • Dedicated to the person who requested this (sorry I'm too lazy too look up the username)

Niall: You knew that Niall was a sensitive guy, but he never showed any of his emotions around you much. So that's why when you entered the flat that you and Niall shared, you knew that something was wrong because the lights were all out. You knew he was there though, because his car was parked outside. "Niall?" you called, holding a bag of Nandos and setting it down on the table. "Niall?" you called again. You heard some shuffling coming from the room that you both shared. "Niall? Are you in there?" you asked, expecting the worst. "Niall?" you asked when you catiously entered the room. You found him walking around in the room. When he saw you, he turned away and stared at the window. "What's wrong, Niall?" you asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He shrugged the hand off. You backed away. Was it something that you did, you wondered. You found yourself asking him before you could stop yourself. He remained silent. It was definitely something that you did, you thought. "Do you love me?" he asked, suddenly. "Of course, Nialler. I always have and I always will," you said, wondering what made him ask you that question. "No you don't," he said. You turned him around so that he could face you, and was shocked when you saw that there were tears streaming down his face. You pulled him into a hug. "Ni, I love you. What makes you think that I don't?" you asked. "You cheated on me," he said. "No I didn't," you said, shocked. You would never cheat on Niall. "Yes, you did. I saw your text to a guy named Ray saying you loved him." he accused, wiping his tears. "That was my brother!" you said, laughing. "Oh..." Niall said, embarrased. "It's okay, Niall. I think it's cute of you to suspect that," you said, smiling at him and then kissing him.

Louis: Louis was not letting you sleep tonight, he kept tossing and turning on the bed you were both sleeping on. "Louis, what's bothering you?" you mumbled. "N-nothing," he said quickly. Too quick. "Don't lie," you said. "I'm gonna take a shower," he stated, getting up and walking to the bathroom, never facing you. Taking a shower at midnight? Too tired to investigate, you went back to sleep. You woke up an hour later, and to your surprise, the shower was still on. Now you were suspicious. Lou always showered quickly. "Louie?" you called, walking in to the bathroom. You opened it, and found him sitting on the toilet with lid closed, the shower still on. He had his head in his arms. "What happened?" you asked, shocked. He never cried. Never. Ever. "H-Harry...he got in a car accident, a-and I don't know i-if he'll make it," he said inbetween sobs. "Harry will be okay. He's strong! Don't cry, Lou. Don't cry...before I start crying," you said. You couldn't stand seeing your boyfriend, usually confident and funny, vulnerable and crying. You gave him a hug, and let him back to bed, then called Harry to make sure he was okay, because Louis told you to. 

Zayn: Zayn came home drunk. "Zayn, are you drunk?" you asked, giggling. "U-uh...no, I think, well yes," he stammered. He broke into tears. "Zayn?" you asked, surprised. He seemed fine ten seconds ago. "L-Liam!" he sobbed. "Liam? Liam what? What happened to Liam?" you asked, worried for your friend. "He's so beautiful and I'm not!" he cried. Wow, he was really drunk. You laughed. "It's okay, Zaynie. You're beautiful, too. You're the most beautiful person I know. You could even be a princess, you're so beautiful," you told him. "Really?" he asked. "Yes, really. Now let's get you to bed," you said, trying not to laugh at your drunken boyfriend who wanted to be a princess. O_O

Liam: Liam came home that evening upset about something. "What is it, Liam?" you asked. "Nothing. I'm just tired," he said. He did not look tired, and this was strange,  because Liam never lied to you. "What is it, Liam?" you repeated. "I said I was tired," he told you, annoyed. You decided to let him cool down. You waited for ten minutes, then asked him what was wrong. "Well...it's just all the hate. Read this, Y/N," he said, and handed his phone to you. You read aloud a few comments that went like this:

"Liam is so ugly, and he's a horrible singer. Why is he even in the band?"

"He can't even sing,"

"OMG why is he in One Direction?"

"It's not a surprise he was rejected at the X Factor TWICE"

You looked at Liam after reading aloud the messages, and he was in tears. "Aw, Liam! C'mere," you said, giving him a tight hug. "Why do they say things like that?" he asked, totally broken. "I don't know. And you shouldn't be reading stuff like that, Liam. You should be reading this," you said, and typed in 'I love Liam Payne', and clicked on a fan website all about him, then you gave it to him. He smiled as he read it. "Thanks, Y/N,"

Harry: "Why do you always have to be so physical with other girls, Harry?" you yelled at him. You both were having a fight. "I'm not physical with them, unless you call hugging physical!" he shouted back. "Why are you hugging stranger girls!?" you asked angrily. "They're my friends!" he said. "Like I'm gonna believe that! And what about that magazine article with that picture of you kissing Cher? Have anything to say about THAT, Harry?" you yelled. "Fine! Maybe I DID kiss her, probably because she's way better than you! You're such a sourpuss!" he screamed, then you stepped back. Did he really mean that? You stormed off into your room, and bawled into your pilly. "Baby, you know I didn't mean that!" he said, right at your door. "And you try to cover up your actions with a sh**ty excuse, Harry. I'M LEAVING AND WE ARE BREAKING UP FOR GOOD!" you yelled, and opened the door to find Harry leaning on the wall, crying. "You're the only one I'd ever loved this much, Y/N. If you leave me, my whole world would tear apart. Please...Y/N...I need you and I'm sorry," he said, sniffling. "Then why did you kiss Cher?" you asked softly. "It's photoshopped. I'd never really kiss her, and I can't believe you actually thought I did. You don't trust me, Y/N?" he asked, looking at you with bloodshot eyes. "I trust you. I'm sorry, Harry...I'd never really leave you," you said, hugging him. Mushy as it sounded, you guys made up like that. Hey, better than you guys breaking up, right? 


I loved Zayn's ahaha. So what do ya'll think? I think only one person and the person who requested this is reading this right now...so yeah...

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