#29 He proposes to you (His POV!) :)

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Zayn: Come on, Zayn, just say it, I thought to myself. I just couldn't. What if she said no? No, Y/N wouldn't do that. I looked over at her. She was texting her friend, then looked up at me, smiled, and put her phone away. She definitely wouldn't say no, I thought. "Zayn? What are you thinking about?" she asked, still smiling. God, how I loved her smile. "Nothing, Y/N...just, um, wow, isn't the weather beautiful? Wow," I said immediately, taking her hand and facing her towards the sunset on the beach that we were on. "Yeah...I guess," she said, srunching up her face, confused to my strange behavior. "I-I just..." I sighed. I didn't know how to put this. I got down on one knee, looking her straight in the eyes, and without a little speech or anything, I asked, "Y/N, will you-" "Yes! YES! Oh my God, Zayn!" she squealed. I laughed. "I didn't even open the box, Y/N," I stated, grinning. "Oh, right. Go on," she said, trying to keep calm. I flicked open the box, holding the beautiful diamond ring. "Marry me?" I asked, and she nodded, fighting tears of happiness. "I love you," I smiled, slipping the ring onto her finger, and standing up to kiss her.

Harry: Should I ask her or not? Is it too early? What is she says no? These thoughts cascaded around my head as I stared at Y/N. Beautiful Y/N. Though she was gardening and she had dirt all over her and sweating, she was still so beautiful to me. "Hi Harry," she said, looking up at me. I snapped out of my thoughts. "Hey Y/N," I replied carefully. "Something wrong?" she asked, and stood up to get a better view at me. "Y-yeah, um...willyoumarryme?" I asked quickly. "What?" she asked, cocking her head to the side, confused. I almost fell to the ground, and got on one knee. "Y/N, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time. I think-no, I know you're the one, Y/N. I love all your little things (I wont let these little things, slip, out, of my-ok sorry...), and, you're just so beautiful, and..." I paused to look up at her. She stared down at me. "You're asking me to make you a sandwich, are you?" she laughed. "No, I'm serious, Y/N. Will you marry me?" I asked nervously, and clicked open the red velvet box holding the ring. She gasped. "Harry...YES!!" she screamed in happiness, as I placed the ring on her finger. I smiled at her. I knew she would say yes.

Niall: Okay, I'm going to ask her. NO, it's too early. She'll say no for sure. But she loves me, I think. Okay, on the count of three I will ask her. 1, 2...2.5..."Niall, what are you thinking about? You seem lost in thought," Y/N said, sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to go to sleep with her. I sighed. "Nothing, princess," I said, smiling, and kissed her forehead. "Okay, um, are you coming to bed?" she asked. "Of course," I said, and got into bed.

*Fast forward, also now switched point of view,*

I looked at Niall, peacefully sleeping. He looked like an angel when he slept. Then he started to talk in his sleep. "Y/N...Y/N," he mumbled. 'What is it, Ni?" you asked, even though you knew he was sleep talking. "Y/N, will you marry me?" he asked in his sleep. You sat up, and shook awake Niall. "Niall, wake up!" you whispered. He eventually woke up. "Princess, what is it? Is there a robber? What if he steals the food? Y/N-" "There's no robber, Niall," you said giggling. He looked at you. "Then what?" he asked, not so interested anymore. "You just proposed to me in your sleep!" you laughed. "Well, I did tell Louis that I can propose to you in my sleep..." he muttured. Then he looked up at you. "Well, Y/N? What do you say?" he asked, half asleep. "What?" you whispered. "Will you marry me?" he asked, hopping off the bed and getting on one knee. You glanced at the clock. "It's four in the morning, but..." you looked at Niall, smiling up at you "Yes, Niall. Yes!" you said, smiling. He started to kiss you, and you could tell that he was smiling widely into the long, passionate kiss. You love your husband to pieces.

Liam: Today is the day I'm going to ask Y/N to marry me. I didn't want to do something way too out in the extreme, because I knew Y/N doesn't like that so much. She's more casual. Right now, she was watching TV. I think this would be a perfect time to ask her. "Y/N..." I said, unsure of what I was doing. She turned to me, and studied my face. "Yeah? Hi, Liam," she said normally. "Y/N, I... and hi, also um..." Now what? I can't just say. 'Also, will you marry me?' Hell, I don't even have the box. I think I forgot it upstairs?! "Are you okay, Liam? You' re sweating and breathing awfully fast," she said, feeling my forehead. I backed away, and fell onto the floor, as if her hand was poison. "What on earth?" she asked, concerned, and getting up from the couch. "Will you... get me some water?" I asked, feeling numb and defeated. She walked to the kitchen, and by the time she came back I had run upstairs, gotten the ring, and ran back, on one knee. When she saw me like this, she gasped and dropped the water. "Li-" "No, let me talk. Y/N, we've been together now for a while, and during that time I figured out that I love you and you are absolutely perfect for me. You're that one thing I need. I love you, and I don't think I could ever be without you...so will you marry me?" I looked her in the eyes like Zayn told me I should do. Her eyes were watering now. "Yes! Liam, I love you so much and...I just realized how much you love me and it meant-" "Babe," I said. She looked down at me, almost crying. "Yes?" She asked. "Just say yes," I smiled, looking up at her as she nodded, fully crying tears of happiness.

Louis: I am so going to be the best husband ever to Y/N, and for that to happen I have to make sure I give the best proposal ever. I looked at her as we both sat under the tree where we first met. "Hey Y/N," I said to her, tapping her shoulder. She looked at me. "Uh oh, you look a bit too serious..." she joked. I realized how serious I must have looked and smiled. "That's better, what were you saying?" she asked, resting her head on my shoulder. Oh great. Now what? She's leaning on my shoulder, and I can't kneel on one knee. Wait, I was already sitting...what am I going to do?? "I love you!" I blurted out, and kissed her. She pulled away and stood up as I was still sitting under the tree. "First, tell me Lou, what were you going to say?" she asked, slightly smirking. 

Why can't we just get married right now at this second? She knows me way too well. 

I looked at her, and with hopeful eyes and a slightly quivering voice, this is what I said really quickly: 


And she replied: 


We're per-fect, like Liam said.

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