#33 He's exhausted :(

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Liam: Liam staggers into the flat, not even closing the door as he came in, which was quite a bit strange for Liam. "Liam, are you okay?" you asked, concerned. He barely nodded his head, and then tripped over his own feet. "Careful now," you said gently, as you helped him up and onto the couch. He let you take control for once. You actually wanted to, just for once be in control and be the comforting one for once instead of Liam. He definitely needed a break. You took off his shoes and socks, and clothes, even going to bed with him. When he was about to fall asleep, he murmured, "Y/N." You replied with "What is it, Liam?" He smiled a little. "You know I love you, right?" he asked sleepily. You smiled back and said yes. "Now I can go to bed," he whispered, and drifted off happily into a peaceful sleep.

Zayn: It was three in the morning when you felt the bed shift on the other side. You immediately sat up. "Zayn? Is that you?" you asked sleepily. "Mhm," he mumbled, too tired to fully respond. "Tired?" you asked, turning on the lights. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. "Mhm," he repeated. "Hungry?" you questioned, knowing that he was. "Yeahh," he muttured. "I'll go fix you something...don't fall asleep," you told him, going downstairs to make him something to eat. When you came back up with some food, you saw that he was already asleep on the bed, so you ate his food and cuddled up with him. "Y/N," he whispered. "Yeah, Zayn?" you asked. "I love you," you can tell he was smiling. "Love ya too, Zayn," and then you both fell asleep, cuddling.

Louis: Louis and sleepiness was never a good combination, so when he came home and didn't say anything, falling on the couch, you knew it was best not to interfere too much. "How was your day?" you asked carefully, putting down your book. "Fine," he said, barely audible. "Mhmm, you tired?" you asked him. "Yeah, just a little..." he was nodding off into sleep. You just smiled, put a blanket over him, and went back to reading your book. "By the way, Y/N," he said, not fully asleep but almost there. "Yeah, Lou?" He held his arm out, gesturing for you to come closer. You put your book down and walked over to him. "Cuddle. Now," he said, smiling. How could you not resist...?

Harry: "Hey Harry, wanna watch a movie with me?" you asked cheerfully as he entered the flat. "No," he said, grumpily, and went to your shared bedroom. Confused, you follow him there. Which was not a good idea. "Harry, what's wrong? Come on, we'll watch Love Actually!" you smiled, knowing that always got him. Until now. "No, Y/N! Leave me alone," he groaned on his bed. "I'm sorry," you said, tears in your eyes. He's never said that before. You went back to the TV room and sat on the couch with the TV off, staring out the window sadly. AYou heard Harry nearly trip over himself, getting out of bed and hugging you from behind. "M'sorry. Really tired. Forgive me?" he said, sleepily but seriously at the same time. You looked at him, and smiled. "Let's just sleep," you said. He nodded. 

Niall: The alarm beeped over and over again, waking both you and Niall up. Niall sighed, and started to get up. "Princess, I have to go for the video shoot now, yeah? I'll see you..." he whispered, trying not to cry because first of all, he was exhausted after doing an interview last night and getting barely any sleep, and second of all, he just didn't want to leave you. You pulled him by his waist, back on to the bed. "No," you whined. "I don't really want to go either," he looked down. You opened your eyes, and saw how awful he looked. He looked exhausted. "Niall!" you gasped. "I-I'm fine, Y/N. I better go, I'll be late and-" "You are NOT going! You need to sleep. I'm going to call Paul, you need a day of rest," you said, now wide awake and grabbing the phone. He looked like he was about to protest, but then he just sighed and fell on to the bed, thanking you.

A/N: Yeah, it's been a while, but, y'know, with all this schoolwork piling up it's been impossible lately to update! I'll try to update more! 


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