|| TWO ||

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"Will as in the Will who was best friends with my father and who died in debt of F.U.S.E? You have got to be kidding me," I run a hand down my face, exhaling as I start to walk out, planning to confront the girl.

Soren stops me, "Hey, this might not be a bad thing. Will was good friend of your dad's. F.U.S.E are no doubt going to be after this girl to seek revenge on her father for him taking three million pounds from them and using it to buy intoxicants. And on top of that, not paying them back before he passed away. Maybe you finding her was a good thing; we can protect her from them."

I shake my head in answer, "We can't take on that responsibility. You said yourself that for our plans we have to lay low for a while. If we're taking in the person F.U.S.E probably wants the most right now, we'll be ruining our chances of destroying them. The police will be after us before we even step one foot in their territory. We have to send her away and just hope she survives."

Soren crosses his arms and looks at me in annoyance, "We can't just leave her! Will was a good man and your father's friend. He was misled and became addicted to drugs and alcohol and maybe he borrowed money for all the wrong reasons from all the wrong people, but no-one is perfect and he does not deserve to die in vain! We have to protect this girl - his daughter! She is his legacy, and if we lose that, he may as well have never existed. Come on."

"We can't!" I insist, running a hand through my hair stressfully as I reach for the doorknob, "We have to stick to our main plan of getting rid of F.U.S.E."

"Plans are made to be changed! If we didn't go through trial and error, buildings would never be built! Medicine would never have been developed! Cures would never have been found! This isn't a choice, we can't just let Will's daughter die in the hands of F.U.S.E."

"Well maybe that's what it will take to get them to stop. One life of a stranger versus our whole gang's lives - I think I know who's more important."

Soren seems to be on the verge of slapping me as I narrow my eyes at him to challenge him.

"She's not a stranger, and our gang consists of four people!" he yells as I stride out the room, seeing the girl and Red's eyes turned to us, probably at the sound of Soren's voice.

"What are you staring at?" I force out through a clenched jaw as Soren walks into the room after me, heading into the kitchen with aggravation written all over his face.

The girl timidly turns away to glance at the trapdoor. Her every movement is twitchy and her leg taps incessantly on the floor while she takes one of her lip rings in-between her teeth, nervous.

Well, who wouldn't be? She doesn't know anyone here and is confident that any one of us could kill her with a flick of our wrists.

"You can stop acting so scared, you'll be with us for a while," I tell her, enjoying the confusion and silent protest that coats her pale features.

She manages to utter out a sentence in the midst of her anxiousness, "I can't stay here! I-I have a family!"

Just then, Trent comes into the room, handing me a sheet of paper with neat, printed sentences on it. I scan it, realising it's a factfile on someone called Avyn Lunaver. I nudge him, "Who's this?"

He laughs he points at the picture, directing my attention to the girl in the photo. My eyes flit up to the girl standing in the room and then back to the photo of an unamused-looking girl.

"Avyn Lunaver," I read, walking over to sit on the sofa, "Female, eighteen, single, lives by herself and the daughter of Will Lunaver... Well. Looks like Soren wasn't kidding."

I put down the factfile as she all of a sudden roots herself to the spot, uncomfortable, "D-did you say daughter of Will Lunaver?" she questions carefully, tense as I nod.

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