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Three months later.

Sitting on the bench outside the house, Avyn is the first, last, and only thing on my mind. I pull my phone out of my pocket, fiddling with it as I sigh heavily. I wonder if she still has the phone I gave her. Tired, I rise to my feet and decide to head back inside, sleep off this entire unsuccessful day, and reassess the situation tomorrow.

The universe seems to have another plan for me.

A chilling breeze flutters past, carrying a strip of paper, torn from it's counterpart. A small truck is driving past, it's back stocked full of newspapers that are bound with twine. It doesn't seem to notice the missing fragment billowing in the wind, escaping its confines in front of me. The piece thrashes around in the wind, approaching me. I halt.

Universe, if this is a sign, it's about fucking time. Slamming my foot down onto the piece to pin it to the ground and stop the wind carrying it away, I squint to read the headline.


Well it sure as fucking hell isn't ours.

I stride back inside, the door almost flying off its hinges behind me.

Narrowly avoiding a collision with Soren, I brush past him to the lounge.

"Oscar, we were just about to-"

"-I know where she is."

Immediately, everyone scrambles to their feet, "W-what? Where? How do you know?" Trent stammers as Soren enters the room.

"I know where she is. Let's go! Move your asses! We have a girl to save!"


We pull up a few streets away from the address in the newspaper four hours later. Glancing at the mutliple shots in paper and in our surroundings, I'm confident we're in the right place. Grey rocks are visible in the distance, tall and standing strong. We all stay in the car for a while, dwelling in our possibility that Avyn is a mere few feet away. The others prepare their hand guns behind me, slotting them into holders at their waist as I roll down one of our tinted windows to get a better view of the site.

Investigation tape surrounds the area but police cars seem to be driving away from the area, searches complete for the day. We linger towards the shadows of this street to avoid being seen as the police vehicles dawdle past towards the station. Silence.

"Let's go," Red mutters.

Wordlessly, I leave the car, heart thumping as hard as my footsteps on the pavement. Red catches up behind me and gives me a firm nod when our gazes meet.

We're coming, Avyn. You're okay. I'm going to kick those bastards asses for what they've done to you. Ice cold blood runs through my veins at the thought of her suffering. They're so dead. My fists clench at my side.

The wind grows colder as we draw closer to the base of the mountain. Striding towards it, a chill runs down my back and a dryness gathers in my throat. I take a deep breath as we halt a few metres away, hidden by a line of thin forestation. No authorities seem to be present and the atmosphere is stock still. Any animals have skittered off and the air is heavy with tension.

If the police found anything, it must not have been substantial. Not one officer is anywhere to be seen. The newspaper didn't mention anyhing about a girl being found. There's a chance she's still in there, hidden. The flicker of hope inside of me starts to die out but I reignite it with the eagerness, the desperation, to see Avyn. If she's anywhere, it's here.

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