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:| O S C A R P E R T R O W |:

The man collapses to the ground, my bullet straight through his skull. Red spits out the barrel of the gun with disgust and finds the strength to throw his head back into one of the men as Trent shoots the other in the shoulder. Blood gushes out the wound, seeping into his clothing and turning his shirt's black shade darker than midnight.

"Thank fuck," I swear as Soren and Trent deal with the men and I pull Red towards me, "I thought we were going to lose a member. We actually can't afford to have that happen."

He chuckles as Trent and Soren beat the other men into pulp. They struggle and squirm, personalities a complete 180 now that we are the ones calling the shots. Beaten purple and blue, they manage to slip out Trent and Soren's grasp and hurl themselves towards the exit, abandoning their third member. We roll our eyes, letting the weasels escape of out of physical and emotional exhaustion. That was enough panic for one day.

Trent punches Red's shoulder and as they turn around to talk, I lead Soren away towards the boulder at the front of the room.

"That was pretty fucking close," I run my fingers through my hair.

"Damn right. Imagine how much blood would have gone everywhere if Red was shot in the throat. He would have choked on all the blood before he died from the bullet itself," he shakes his head at the thought as we turn back to glance at Trent and Red, who are less than ashamed to ravage each other in our presence.

I sigh as we head towards the exit, all four members of A.C.R.E perfectly intact... or as perfect as four men can be after an ambush.


:| A V Y N L U N A V E R |:

I stare at the ceiling above me, imagining the murky water above us, concealing this sick place from the public eye. Sitting up, I round up the last of my perseverance and rise to my feet, running a bony hand through my unwashed hair. For the months I've been here, I've not been allowed to take showers longer than two minutes. I soon gave up on personal hygiene and just appreciate that Mother Nature has decided to hold off on her visits. It must be the starvation and gasping thirst burdening me and throwing my health off balance.

Starting to shuffle out the room, feeling completely hollow and hoping to steal cold leftovers from the fridge, I pause as the door clicks open first and almost gag at the person who walks in.

"Ah, Lu, just the girl I wanted to see," Jekyll offers a sickly-sweet smile, closing the door behind him.

I mentally stab him in the throat for the sickening nickname derived from my surname. He conceals something behind his back as I warily stumble a few steps away in the opposite direction, dead eyes fixed on his.

He reveals the object behind his back.

A phone.

My phone.

I build a brick wall in front of my initial emotion of glee and assess the situation once more. He has an incentive.

"My dear Lu, I have a deal for you," he begins, stalking towards me until I'm terrified and pressed against the wall, his stature less than ten centimetres away.

My heart thuds in my chest in anxious anticipation, something I didn't know it did anymore. I've largely been a cooking, cleaning vegetable with the heart rate of a potato for the past few months. I ball up my fists and force myself to glare right into his sinister eyes.

"What?" I spit out, fuse getting shorter as I enunciate the 't' with disgust.

He gives me a deadly look, one I've received too many times, "I think you'll appreciate this proposition, so don't get sassy with me. It involves you being released from this place."

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