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|| B I S H 'S N O T E ||

So... Perfect... *fans self* Oscar has dark grey eyes rather than green and has eyebrow piercings but ya know... Still cute... Ahem.

Question: Write or read? If I really really had to choose, it'd be read - but only by the slightest bit.


After waiting for a good ten minutes, we decide it's time to get moving again. I don't know how long it'll take for this slow-acting poison to kill Avyn, but it will eventually. We have to find a cure. I have to find a cure.

But I want to stay with her.

"Let's get going," Soren says, dropping down from the pier after scanning the area, "I can't see the police anywhere."

Avyn stirs in her unconscious state, eyebrows pulled in at the remnants of the pain that linger. I want to say sorry for the agony I've put her through. If I had never held her hostage in the beginning, even after finding out she didn't have my gun, she would have never gotten into this mess. Her life would not be on the line. But I know I don't have it in me to be anything but a self-absorbed prick to her, so I quickly push aside the apology rising in my throat and pick up her limp body.

We soon make our way away from the sandy beach climbing the eroded, stone staircase to the pavement where F.U.S.E had stood minutes ago. I spot Red and Trent up ahead, prying open a manhole cover in the desolate road. All the cars and people must have evacuated after the blaring sirens and warnings from the police cars earlier.

I walk over to Red and Trent, Avyn in my arms. They pop open the cover before wordlessly climbing down the ladder. I hear the echoing of their footsteps as they land, telling me they've arrived at the sewers.

With a sigh, I shake my head. My worries of cleanliness had soon faded in my early days of being in a gang. Lives come before everything else. Soren approaches from behind me and ventures halfway down the ladder before motioning for me to pass Avyn to him.

I do so reluctantly and then slip down the ladder myself, drowning out the wailing of nearing sirens as I slide the manhole cover shut above us.

:| A V Y N L U N A V E R |:

Pain. Infinite, agonising, scorching hot pain. Why does it still hurt? It's a combination of thousands of tiny needles and the burning of ten million suns. It's pinpointed at the site where I was shot, but I can feel it spreading, the unbearable heat surging through my body.

I can hear voices but I feel disorientated. Dizziness plagues my mind.

"They've lost interest in us. They'll be back soon but the police scared them off and they probably want to lay low for a while until the news and drama about them has extinguished. I mean it this time. We're safe. For now."

"Are we, though?"

I recognise the second voice as Oscar's. It seems closer to me, almost right above me, and louder. Am I in his lap? It's as if his gaze is burning a hole into me, and as I force my eyes to open, I find myself staring directly up at him. Eyes blank, I don't even try to smile.

An overwhelming emotion has taken over my body. Everything has happened to fast and my mind has barely caught up. The fiery tingling sensation in my lower back is a consistent reminder of the most frightening moment in my eighteen years of life.

"Avyn," he addresses, nothing but pain clear in his tone.

He feels bad. I try to sit up and look around but find dizziness wash over me as I swiftly fall back again, hand clutching my forehead. Gritting my teeth, I hold back a scowl. I despise being weak and unable to do anything by myself. Being dependent on others is the equivalent to leaving yourself vulnerable. Oscar's comforting hands at my shoulders annoy me as I shake them off and sit up again, refusing to acknowledge the agony screaming for attention in my body.

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