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|| B I S H ' S N O T E ||

I changed my mind again xD I don't really want a separate book for one mature chapter so I'll just mark out with asterisks the mature part and if you wanna read, read, if not, skip to the end of the asterisks. Capiche? Capiche. If Wattpad decides to rate the story mature I'll survive xx enjoy ;)


After discovering a magical closet full of perfectly sized clothes, I change into a teal, buttoned shirt, and white shorts with a thick brown belt. I brush out my short, auburn hair and find a drawer of expensive makeup.

Gaping at the vast array of brands and colours, I pick out a mascara wand and apply two coats, smiling at my reflection in the vanity. I miss my thick-eyeliner days and packed on mascara and yet... I kind of don't. Not feeling like my face is being swallowed by makeup is nice.

Sliding a bracelet onto my wrist, I venture downstairs, finding four shirtless guys and a smiling Emme.

"Emme, how did you get this place? And these clothes?" I ask, hoping it isn't obvious how happy I am being spoilt.

She grins, "You look pretty. And this house is part of a whole line of housing and accomodation that my uncle owns. He agreed to let me have one since we're close, but I've always felt lonely, especially since my parents are always travelling. Then I met Soren," she looks at him lovingly, "And I just knew that this huge place needs some more people."

"Do you stay for free?" Red asks, surprised.

She smiles, "Yeah, my uncle handles everything for me. I love the guy."

"Is he loaded?" Oscar asks bluntly as I walk closer to slap the back of his head.

He mutters an 'ow' and apologises half-heartedly as Emme cracks up, "It's okay, Avyn, I don't mind. Yeah, I suppose he is kind of rich. Not I-own-the-world-rich, but he definitely has enough to support his family and have more for leisure. He deserves it though, he's worked hard all his life."

She speaks with adoration and for a millisecond, I almost miss having a connection with my family. Who am I kidding, I've never had that connection with my family and I never will. The thought saddens me but I pull myself back to reality.

Oscar pats the seat next to him, "Sit, Avyn. Emme made lots of food for us."

I sit down and scan the large island, plates upon plates of mouth-watering food displayed artfully. Emme sits down between me and Soren, sheepish, "Well, the cook helped. And by helped, I mean she did everything."

Laughing at that, I take a slice of perfectly toasted bread from the rack, "Wow, a cook. I bet you have a maid too, huh?" I kid, but I almost drop the knife in the nutella jar when she nods.

"Yeah, I do. But I try to clean for myself. She works hard."

I smile at that. Just then, the door swings open and a light haired greek god steps in, bare chested and dressed in board shorts.

Lips parted, I take in his deeply chiseled chest and pronounced abdomen, toast forgotten. His full, pink lips quirk up in a smile as he walks closer to me. I feel Oscar's arm snake around my waist and I flush with colour. When the greek god speaks, it's like liquid gold, "Hey. I'm Emmett Silverstone. And you are?"

"A-Avyn," I manage to murmur.

"Lay off her, Emmett, she's taken," Emme speaks up as I notice the similarity in their name - they must be related, especially since Emme hasn't screamed about a stranger in her house thus far.

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