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|| B I S H ' S N O T E ||

Just a quick update on my dilemma: I've decided to leave the story unrated and just put mature chapters in a separate story, rated mature. Enjoy :)


"Oh dear lord, AVYN, STOP THROWING STUFF!" I yell, narrowly avoiding a water bottle that soars through the air, aimed at my face.

I almost fall in an attempt to dodge a flying apple and then actually fall when Avyn throws herself at me and smashes my spinal cord into the floor. A loud curse leaves my lips as I groan and Avyn clambers over me, hair messy but gorgeous as always.

Huh? What are we talking about again? Snap out of it, Oscar. She pins me down and while I could quite easily flip us over, I decide to wait to see what she'll do.

"Don't. Force. Me. To. Do. Anything. I. Don't. Want. To. Ever. Again," she enunciates, jaw tight and teeth grinding together angrily.

I lean up on my elbows so our faces are a mere few centimetres apart, expecting her to move away. She doesn't. Meeting her eyes, I narrow mine, "And are you not feeling better already? You may not have wanted to but it was for your own good. If the antidote doesn't work, nothing bad will happen to you, and if it does, you'll get better. If you didn't take the antidote in the first place, there's an 100% chance you'd die. Now you have a chance, Avyn."

I see her confidence falter but she quickly relights the fire in her eyes, "Well you could have not forced me and instead reasoned with me."

"Reasoning with someone as stubborn as you is impossible," I clutch her upper arms in my hands and flip us over, straddling her waist, "and a waste of time. It's over now at least."

I can hear her blood boiling in her veins as she struggles to muster up a retort. With a smug smile, I absent mindedly draw circles on the exposed skin at her waist with my thumb, "Let's wait a while, I'm sure you'll be better in no time. If not, I owe you."

"Owe me what?" she instantly perks up.

I shrug, not sure where she's going with this, "Whatever you want."

A foreign smirk enters her features as the cogs turn in her head. Before I can question further, the manhole cover on the ceiling slides away to reveal Soren's one-eyed face. His gaze flits between us with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows before he hops down the ladder.

A girl follows him down, clad in a pair of black shorts and a light blue singlet with a small backpack over her shoulder. When her feet find the stoney floor of the sewers, she turns towards us with smiling, hazel green eyes. Soren loops an arm around her waist and pulls her into his side, declaring his next words proudly, "Oscar, Trent, Red, meet Emme."

He gestures to each of us after our names.


"Yeah. E-m-m-e. Looks like it should be said Em. But trust me, it's pronounced Emmie."


Avyn quietens down at that as I climb off her and help her to her feet. Emme blinks at us before waving awkwardly at Avyn, "Hi," she greets.

Waving back, Avyn shakes her hand, "Are you and Soren...?" she trails off, eyes flitting between them.

Emme smiles brightly and nods, looking back at Soren with adoration, "Yeah. You know I have to be a good person if he brought me down to you guys. I swear on my pet turtle that I won't tell a soul. Besides, I like you guys already."

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