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:| O S C A R P E R T R O W |:

I turn restlessly, exhausted by the day but unable to find sleep. Tucking my hands behind my head, I sigh, Avyn unconscious beside me. She faces away from me, almost face down with her right cheek against the pillow. After ten minutes resting on my chest, she had rolled off onto the pillow for a comfier surface.

Her makeup remains on, as does her torturous outfit. My eyes skim over her contently, from the dip in her uncovered lower back to her exposed shoulders and neck. Her hair has fallen to the side, wavy and silky soft. I then glance up to her face, her lips parted slightly.

I can't hide a smile. She's my girlfriend.

My hands skim her waist and she stirs. My lips turn up at the corners as she shivers at my touch. The room is warm if anything, so I know it's not from the cold. I shift the fabric covering her dart wound away. After taking the antidote two or three days ago, the spidery red veins have crawled back and disappeared. The redness has faded and the wound itself looks less irritated.

It's working.


"I told you," I smile at Avyn as she rests her head on her elbows at the table and casts me a grumpy look.

After waking up, Avyn and I headed home without a word to her parents. They simply watched and sipped their coffee as we strided out the front door with killer grins. We returned to Emme's place in twenty minutes after slight traffic, changed in our room, and then came downstairs to find Trent and Red waiting at the breakfast table. We now seem to be waiting for Soren and Emme who are mysteriously late.

"You should look happier that you're getting better, Avyn," I say, "Not grumpy because I was right."

She only sharpens her glare at me, venom dripping from her words as she replies, "We had a bet. If I was right you would've owed me."

"And you would also be dead," I remind as her nose twitches in indifference.

Just then, the door to the kitchen swings open and a dishevelled Soren steps in, rubbing his eye. I can hear the smirks rising on all of our faces, including Avyn's, who leaps forward with an ear-splitting, sly grin, "Well someone was busy last night."

Soren looks up, good eye darting between all of us as his opaque, white, glass eye adds to the comedic movement, "Uh, what?"

The door opens again, and this time a tired looking Emme stumbles in, unkempt unlike usual. Her blonde hair is pulled back in a bun with thousands of flyaways frolicking around her head, and she wears one of Soren's button shirts. It falls past mid-thigh.

"Emme? I need to speak with you. Like, right now," Avyn holds a finger up before brushing past the door and yanking a confused Emme out with her.

The rest of the morning passes uneventfully. We are all gathered in the living room, glued to the comfortable sofas by the time evening rolls around. Avyn leans against my right shoulder, half asleep with the mundane day of absolutely nothing.

"Avyn?" I murmur as everyone starts to get drowsy with today's lack of activity, "Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?"

She battles to open her eyes and looks at me with interested, light, honey coloured eyes, "A date? To where?"

I shrug, combing a hand through her hair, "Anywhere. There's a park nearby with lots of trees for cover. I'm sure no-one would see me."

"Can we have a picnic?" she asks hopefully as I chuckle, "What? Are you a toddler?"

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