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Oscar, Trent, Soren, and Red all went out to meet up with Olli (the guy that helps them plan things). This left Emme and Avyn alone. While they were gone, F.U.S.E came in and took Avyn, leaving Emme behind. Realising their mistake, Oscar, Trent, Soren, and Red drove back... But it's too late.

My head is pounding faster than the feet below me. Someone is carrying me in a tight, uncomfortable grasp that hacks away at my will to fight back. The world is spinning and I'm on the verge of throwing up. Whatever I've been sedated with is stopping me from fighting back - and F.U.S.E knows it.

Please be okay, Emme. If I did this all for nothing I will kill you. I mean, if you aren't dead already, that is. Wow, my humour has become drier than dust.

The ground rolls to a stop below me as I screw my eyes shut with the queasiness that swirls in my stomach. I'm thrown on my side into a dark, compact space, the outside world collapsing into emptiness as doors slam shut in front of me.

I lay, helpless.

As the van rolls to a stop an eternity later, the racing of my heart only increases tenfold. The voice inside my head begs me to struggle and fight back against F.U.S.E but my body doesn't comply to what I'm telling it to do.

Light floods the claustrophobic space around me, the strands of hair that have fallen in front of my face obscuring my vision. I open my eyes to see through the tendrils but my eyelids fall closed in exhaustion. My muscles ache with fatigue - what the heck did these maniacs sedate me with?

Not much noise surrounds me as the heavy sound of footsteps approaches. I feel the ground below me tilt as someone steps into the back of the van and cold metal is slapped against my wrists with a crisp click!

"Oi, you dead?" a gruff voice mutters as a light kick rolls me over onto my back.

I force my eyes open, glad that my smart mouth is too numbed to say what I'm thinking. As soon as his narrowed, dark eyes meet mine, he grabs me and roughly pulls me out the vehicle. The large drop in the floor surprises me as I stumble to my feet and regain some of the feeling in my body.

My eyes narrow into slits, trying to adjust to the sudden, bright outdoors. Feverishly glancing around, my gaze flits from tree to tree. We're right in the middle of a thick expanse of forest; mossy green trunks cover the ground as untamed roots tear out the ground, settling at strange angles.

Glancing up, tiny slithers of dull sky are visible through the canopy of foliage. I can't risk escaping here. I'm weak and there's no direction I can run that doesn't have F.U.S.E members guarding it.

A sturdy push at my shoulder forces me forward as I sharply intake breath at the deep, dark, murky body of water before me. Overgrown plants crawl around the edges, growing out and clingy to the earthy ground. Scarce lily pads are scattered around the surface, the blue hue of the water barely visible under all the moss and greenery that has overtaken it.

"Move it, Lunaver," an impatient snarl bites out as I shuffle forward reluctantly, frantic heartbeat ringing loud in my ears.

The screen of my new phone pressed against my side becomes more comforting as a hand grabbing the back of my hoodie stops me several icnhes from the water. Birds twitter above us, landing on branches and pausing to give me a sympathetic tilt of their heads as the leader of F.U.S.E walks in front of me to redirect my attention.

"Avyn Lunaver... You should have been harder to kidnap, I was prepared for a bigger fight," he smirks, reeking of amusement as an icy finger tilts my chin up to his scarred face, "The name's Jekyll."

I resist the urge to throw up and only sharpen my gaze, snapping my head away from him so fast that I almost get whiplash.

"Me-ow. Kitty got claws," he chuckles, a deep sound that echoes like a nightmare before abruptly stopping.

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