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|| B I S H ' S N O T E ||

Here's a picture from my trip to the beach xD I know I totally spelt Osvyn wrong with two ys and no v... #totesintentional
Enjoy the long chapter :)


The rumbling of the aeroplane swallows up all my other senses as I rest my head against the window, looking out at the pastel blue sky. Hang in there, Avyn.

:| A V Y N L U N A V E R |:

When did breathing get so hard? Everything hurts. It's been three - or is it four? - days since Oscar left. He'll be back really soon. I force my eyes open, seeing Soren, Red, and Trent leaning against the walls around me. They look like they're attending a funeral. Jeez guys, I'm not dead yet.

I try to sit up to breathe better, but my weak body protests and manages to convince me that horizontal is probably the most comfortable direction to be in right now. When Oscar comes back with the antidote, it better work.

"Do you think she'll make it?" Red asks the others, revealing an emotional side I rarely see.

Trent shrugs, "I think she will. She's strong."

"And she's also awake," I muster up the strength to say, cracking a smile, "You guys should stop worrying. If I'm going to die, I don't want my last memory to be of your sad looking faces," I joke, but they don't see the humour.

An uncomfortable silence wraps around the words leaving my throat as I sigh. Soren's phone starts to ring and he jumps with the sudden noise, but answers quickly nonetheless.

"Oscar? You landed? ... Yeah... Okay... We're coming," he hangs up and scrambles to his feet, "Come on guys, Oscar's arrived."

I light up, "I'm coming," I say with strength I didn't know I possessed, struggling to get up.

Red fires me an apologetic look, "You should stay here, I don't think it's a good idea to let you come."

Shot down, I look to the others for help, but they just shrug, siding with Red.

"I'll stay with you," Trent offers as I sigh.

"Why can't I go?" I pout like a child, although not really wanting to get up anyway.

Trent answers with, "It's okay, they'll be back super soon while you can stay here, warm and comfortable. It's raining outside."

I exhale, succumbing to the overpowering weariness running rampant in my system.

I watch them leave one by one, Soren with a bag slung over his shoulder and Red emptyhanded. They carefully slide the cover open, checking for a gap inbetween vehicles, before climbing out and closing the cover behind them.

Trent offers me a not-quite-there smile, "I haven't forgotten how you threw my phone in the water."

"Forgive the sick girl, will you?" I smile back, "And it was your fault in the first place."

He scoffs, "Yeah, right."

Impatient for the others to return, I fold my arms over my chest, blanket up to my chest. Even though my fever is higher than a pool of lava, I feel freezing cold. Looking around, I take in the sewers for possibly the last time. It stinks like shit and is as warm as an igloo, but it's been a temporary home for almost a week now. Nevertheless, I'll be glad to leave.

"When can we leave this place?" I muse.

Trent leans back against the hard wall, "We won't be down here forever. For one, it's fucking disgusting, and also, F.U.S.E. won't be after us for a while after the explosive confrontation. The authorities have linked the bullets back to them and right now, they're more wanted than we are. We should be good for the next few months."

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