|| THIRTY ||

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|| B I S H ' S   N O T E ||

Hey, I'm a day early!
Brace yourselves - this chapter is pretty damn long... And there's still a part two xD


This is where I belong.

Head against Oscar's chest, a warm arm wrapped around my waist, and heart so relaxed I'm questioning whether it's even beating.

After the drama-filled reunion of yesterday, we all managed to dive into Emme's car and return home before the police spotted us. The news of a forest fire spread fast but the fire brigade had arrived quickly and got the situation under control.

I smile to myself, eyes half open as the rays of afternoon sunshine filter in through the window, shining a yellow glow onto the duvet. We had woken up in the early morning and began our day but soon became fatigued again with the events of yesterday and found solace in another nap.

"I can see down your shirt, Avyn," Oscar mumbles groggily as I cough out a laugh at his moodiness paired with a suggestive tone.

Propping myself up on my elbow, I cock my head at him, "I've been back for less than 24 hours and you're already testing me," I tease with a bright smile, pulling the covers higher over my shoulders.

That seems to wake him up a bit as he rolls me towards him and lifts me onto his lap, alluring eyes meeting mine, "I missed you," he murmurs, fingers stroking the naked skin at my waist as my insides melt like a candle.

"I missed you too," I return, heart still raw with separation as I crave his presence around me all the time.

"You want to show me just how much?" he asks, puckering his lips and waiting adorably as I poke his chest with a laugh and lean down to obey his request.

He deepens the kiss immediately, teeth grazing my piercings and tongue tracing my bottom lip before entering without much notice. I have to hold back a laugh as I return the action with just as much vigour, fingers threading through his hair and tugging gently. The hands at my waist start to explore higher as Oscar reverses our positions to pin me against the bed and pulls away for air.

"I was Avyn-deprived for months, you don't understand how messed up my sex drive is," he states bluntly as I crack a smile and feel the colour flourishing on my cheeks.

With an irresistible look in his eye, he plants a kiss at the junction between my jaw and neck, coaxing a breathy sigh past my lips. His torturous trail continues down my torso, every open-mouthed kiss sending my inner hormonal girl crazier.

"I'm getting a moan out of you if it's the last thing I do," he says against my skin as he sits up and looks down at me, messy hair falling into his eyes.

Let me tell you, it's difficult to hold yourself back from begging a sex god to take you on the floor, but somehow I manage it every time Oscar takes his shirt off. My shameless eyes follow the muscles in Oscar's arm as he pulls his shirt over his head and throws it to the floor, shaking out his hair with a dimpled smile.

I resist clenching my thighs together, knowing that Oscar would notice but I have a feeling he knows my situation down there by the way he grinds his hips into me. As soon as he hits a sweet spot, a traitorous moan leaves me and he smirks, "Bingo."

Before our lips can find each other again, the door flies open and a perky Trent strides in.

"Good morning, mother- WHAT THE FU- Oscar keep your dick in your pants for a second, will you?" Trent exclaims with a heavy exhale, walking further into the room as several others enter behind him.

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