|| TEN ||

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|| B I S H 'S N O T E ||

You guys are gonna enjoy this chapter ;) Consider this super-early update and the events of this chapter a 'sorry' gift...

Also, I've realised practically nothing happens in my chapters since they're quite short so now my aim for every chapter is 3000-3500 instead of the previous 2000-2500. This one is around 3400 words. xx


:| O S C A R P E R T R O W |:

"Hmm... Where should I touch you first?" Avyn asks, sultry eyes looking up at me as she lays on her side on my bed, left hand drawing mindless circles on my abdomen.

I close my eyes and lean back, her sensual touch sending spikes of arousal through my body. I soon feel her lips at my ear, fingers creeping upwards to my neck. As a laboured breath leaves me, her lips curve into a knowing smile.

"You've been a very bad boy," she comments, splaying her hand out on my chest, "So maybe we should start with me."

Her legs enclose my waist as she straddles me, centre pressed up against me. I make a low noise in the back of my throat, hands at her waist to pull her down further. She grinds into me before I feel her hot breath at my neck and she plants a wet kiss at the junction.

"It's nice to be the one in control for once," she murmurs, trailing a finger down the side of my face as I open my eyes slightly, "After all, I've thought long and hard about what I want to do with you... And where we should... And in what position... And how many times... You better have stamina, bad boy."

"Fuck," I breathe out, "I don't need the images, Avyn. I might break you in half if you keep this teasing up."

Her slim arms reach for my hands and place them on the front of her button-down shirt, right by her breasts.

"Then break me."


I wake up with a start, groaning at the interruption. The bright rays of the sun invade the dark, cool atmosphere, cloaking the room in a warm light. Trent's outburst from the other side of the wall doesn't stir Avyn's sleeping figure, allowing me to run my eyes over her.

My skin still feels heated from my interrupted dream and as I rub my eyes, I notice the tent in the blanket. My eyes flit to Avyn, petite frame curled up in the bed. My hand desires to help the uncomfortable tightness in my trousers, wondering if I can get away with relieving myself before I explode. I ache with need but force my hand away to save Avyn the probable embarrassment.

With another glance at her, I realise how her shirt has crinkled slightly at the bottom, exposing the soft skin at her hip. The top of her black boy-shorts sits above the hem of her worn leggings.

I distract myself with the events of yesterday. The news of Trent and Red being gay had initially come as a shock - because both of them had accidentally seen me naked at one point - but after time to process the situation, it's beginning to seem less weird. I mean, I can't imagine myself being attracted to another guy when girls who look like sex on legs are surrounding me... But oh well, whatever floats their boat.

I reach over Avyn to grab the TV remote, turning down the volume to five before flickering to the news channel. For the past few days, there hasn't been any updates on F.U.S.E, which is worrying me. Where could they be?

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