○S U R P R I S E○ R.C

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Dedicated to FilibertaMdza

The wait was long, but I finally got to see Richard. It was at a meet and greet for CNCO and I was so excited and nervous. Maybe I was over thinking this...maybe not.

I was finally meeting the boys. I took a picture first with Zabdiel, but the whole time I felt Richard's eyes on me. Finally, I got to Richard last.

"Hey!" He said enthusiastically. Richard ruffled his hair slowly as he looked at my hair. "Wow. We both have the same type of hair! Can you be more perfect?" He said, I felt like he was trying to flirt. Either that or hw was just way to pumped. That totally made my heart flutter also because I was in love with Richard.

I gave a little giggle," Hehe...yeah we do have the same type of hair." My checks felt warm. I was absolutely dumb founded by this beautiful human standing in front of me.

We had to take the pictures quickly and get the autographs, it all went by in a blur but when I finally reached my house with my dorm partner I was still start struck. My legs were a bit wobbly. When I looked over the signed poster I got I saw a number in the back. 'Call me xx,' it said.


5 months later.

Girl spotted with Richard Camacho at Miami Beach, appearantly both were very close together that evening and unusually happy.

"Hey babe what are you watching?" Asked Richard as he came into our apartment in Miami. He quickly sat next to me on our couch.

"El Gordo y La Flaca," I replied just before Richard dived into give me a tender kiss. "Oh my." He kept kissing me until commercials came on.

"Netflix and chill baby girl?" He asked with a cute smile on his lips and those cute puppy eyes.

My heart melted, I couldn't resist that look he gave me so I nodded my head yes. "Of course my little monkey," I winked.

We watched The Walking Dead for about a while until Richard got up to get snacks because he was starving. When he came back Richard had Popcorn, Takis, chocolate donuts, and Gatorades. "How did you find all this?" I asked curiosly.

"Magic," he replied as he ruffled my soft curly brown hair. I got some popcorn and started eating it but I realized Richard wasn't. He was just staring at me.

"Que?" I asked curiosly, it bothers me when Richard looks at me like that without saying anything. I knew dating him was hard and that one day just like that he could break up with me, I guess that's what I get scared of whenever he looks at me like that. I always think that he's going to break up with me.

"You're so beautiful. Our children will be the most gorgeous kids ever," he whispered as he rubbed my hand with the tip of his thumb.

My lips started moving to say something, but he stopped me with his finger. "No, don't say anything. I know we've been going out for a while now and that it may be too early to say anything, but I do want to have kids with you. You're the person of my life you know the right? Don't ever doubt it baby."

"R-richard...why are you telling me this?" I asked in surprise, Richard was being unusually nice. His phone rang all of a sudden and he got up to answer it.

"You got it? Ok then, I'm here at the apartment."

I laughed as Richard turned back around. He gave me a questioning face. "What?"

"You know I heard you right, you're so loud," I laughed more. His face fell.

"Oh...how much did you hear?" Richard asked.

"Well I heard Christopher over that phone along with the rest of the guys in the back round and something about an item...I didn't really catch onto that," I explained.

The doorbell rang followed by footsteps and laughter. I quickly got to the door before Richard could get there. In the front of our door was a box with something inside moving. I looked outside the hall of our apartment to see if anyone was there, but no one appeared.

"What is it?" I asked Richard as we headed inside.

"Open it," he winked.

Before I could open it I heard a small whine followed by a bark. "Richard! It's a cute puppy awww."

The puppy was maybe 5 weeks old. It's eyes were emerald green, a black spot on his left paw and small black dots on his white fur. "He's so cute!" I squealed.

"Our first child, a boy." Richard said as put his hand on my waist and kissed my cheek, on my arms I was cradling the puppy.

Hiiiii sorry I haven't been on for a while, I'm having a bit of a hard time and so yea w.e but writing these imagines cheer me up:) plz pretty plz vote and comment. 20 votes and 9 comments for the next one??? Hope you guys liked it even though it was a bit short lololol

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