■ L O S T■ E.B.C

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Dedicated to karlaluvzayn

"Hey Karla," My sister sneered as I put my hair into a ponytail. She wasn't really my sister because I was adopted by this family when my parents died. I remember my parents had died in a cra crash as they were on their way to pick my up from kindergarten. I remember how some grown ups tried to explain to me what had happened, but that didn't change the fact that my parents had died.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. I was getting pretty good at ignoring her nasty comments and tauntings.

"Nothing much," she gave me a full smile. This meant she was up to something. "I just came by to tell you that you're going to have to do my chores today I'm going out with Erick and won't be back until later. Bye." She said as she twirled her hair.

I bit my lip to keep from saying anything mean. If I did she would tell our parents and then I would get in trouble for the most part. Dana (my "sister") knew how much I loved Erick and she went right on to him. It wasn't fair...I didn't get anything at all. She always takes my stuff and blames everything gone wrong on me. I hurried up picking out my outfit for the day. I wasn't going to do anything for Dana, she can figure it all out for herself. (Outfit on top)

The doorbell rung and I went to get it, there standing was Erick in a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and a cream colored button up shirt. He was holding a rose- for Dana I supposed. It hurt to see him love Dana the way I love Erick. I knew Erick knew about my feelings for him but he chose Dana even after everything.

"Oh baby! You look so cute," squealed Dana as she went up to him and kissed him. Erick gave me a small timid smile as he looked back at Dana and lightly kissed her.

"You look great also..." Erick said as he looked at me. Dana took his hand and started leaving out the door. "Well we have to go. See you later Karla."

"Why do you talk to her? You don't have to," I overheard Dana said as they went into the car. I sighed as I watched them leave, my heart aching. I didn't know where I was headed but I just got into a car and drove. After about 15 minutes I was lost and decided to walk up to a small drug store to ask for a map.

At the register was a tall red haired guy maybe a year or two older than me. He looked me up and down as I quickly felt uncomfortable. "Uh, how can I help you?"

"I-I need a map to figure out my way around here." I stuttered.

He nodded his head a bit, "Okay...I'm sorry but we don't have any maps here. But I may be able to help you." He got out of the register and I started to turn feeling the fear. I was about to scream for help but he got my arm and covered my mouth. "How about I help you huh?"

I tried screaming over his mouth but it didn't work as tears started flowing out of my eyes. "Shh...don't cry. I won't hurt you much," he grinned with a wicked look in his eyes.

"No!" My muffled scream came out. What was I going to do? No one was near and I was pretty sure I didn't have the strength to take this guy out.

The guy pinned me again the wall. Then I realized I was about to get raped by a guy that I didn't even know- not even his name. I saw another figure coming our way and I tried to scream but the red haired guy attacked me. He didn't do much as that strange figure took down the red haired guy. I didn't really see everything clearly as I started sobbing more, hope this other person didn't have the same intentions.

"There there. Don't cry okay? Everything is fine," that person said in my ear as he picked me up and carried me. I buried my face into his shirt still sobbing, it smelt like Erick's cologne...but this wasn't Erick or was it? I looked up and saw Erick's face. How was it possible? Wasn't he supposed to be with Dana?

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I sniffed as Erick sat me down in the passenger seat of his car. He closed the door and then went to the other side on the driver seat. It started to get cloudy and pretty soon it started to rain. We sat there for a couple silent minutes. I realized that Erick still hasn't answered my question.

"What are you doing here?" I asked again. I got a kleenex from the side and blew my nose.

"I...I don't know. Dana got mad once we got in the car and she was whining all the way to the park. When she realized that I was just taking her to the park she got me mad and I just couldn't keep my temper, I yelled at her and then we broke up...but really, it doesn't matter because I only want you. You're the only one I've been wanting since the beginning." Erick turned to me and rubbed my hand lightly giving me that light smile.

It stunned me that he had said all that...and then it angered me." How did you have the balls to do that? You knew I liked you! You knew and you didn't do a thing!" I started crying more. "Why would you do this? It just doesn't make sense!" I screamed as I got out the car and walked alone to the side of the road. I was there alone crying until I felt a hand on me.

"Please...I know it doesn't make sense. I know I don't make but believe in me for just a moment. I couldn't just date you like that because Dana would do something to tear us apart. But then I realized I couldn't be with her anymore. When we broke up I called your parents and explained. They were a bit mad but then understood. Why can't you understand? " Erick said a bit irritated.

"Understand what?" I shouted as more tears came out. A bit of rain got in my mouth. As I took off my jacket to dry my face.

"Understand that I love you..." Erick said he took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.

He hugged me for a while as the rain stopped then gave me a light kiss. "Please understand."

Hiiiii happy Valentine's day!!!! ❤ vote and comment because I will be updating all day hopefully. Have a great day beautiful people ✌

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