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Teman luar aku kira kalau aku lupain mereka karena nurutin kemauan teman teman indo aku yang minta cerita The Author di publish ke bahasa indonesia.

Tapi sumpah! For love of god! Aku nggak lupain kalian semua! I won't forget y'all.
The Author yang English Version-nya akan Coming Out Soon.

Dear my friends,
I love y'all. All of you!
I still remember when you, Jane. You make a story about me and Peter Pan. I love it! So lovely. And theres Angela, Rachel, and EVERYBODY !!
Don't you guys even dare think that I forgot y'all. Cuz I didn't.

The Author Indonesian version is dedicated for all of my Indonesian friends. Just wait for The Author - English Version okay I'll make one for you lol.

I'd never forget my #TF (true friends)
Cuz true friends is hard to find and hard to forget XOXOX I love you all!
Full love,

- Lola / Lutfia

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The Author #Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang