Chapter 10 - Newborns

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Two weeks had gone by since Jake had made the announcement that the wolves would be joining the fight but now it was the morning of the fight. The pack, imprints and my mom were coming to Emily's, I was still living here so me and Harry were a permanent residence at Emily's currently, I was starting to love helping Em cook for the pack she deserved a rest from cooking for them every day so I had starting cooking for them a lot more now. We had just pulled the muffins out of the oven, the sausage, bacon, eggs and waffles were already on the table ready for everyone to dig in. We wouldn't let them go into battle without having a hearty breakfast. The only person missing was Jake, he had spent the night up on the mountain with Bella so yesterday morning was the last time me and Harry had seen him, over last two weeks he had started spending more time with Harry due to Paul being the big mouth that he is telling him everything I had said to him, but I was thankful as it had made Jake realize what he was doing

As soon as Em had shouted that breakfast was ready everyone piled in, Paul walking in with Harry who as soon as he saw me reached his arms to me wanting me to hold him, if they all make it through the fight today I am going to ask Paul to be his godfather I don't care what Jake thinks about it. Harry is my son just as much as his, so I can decide if I want my best friend who has not only been there for me but has been there for Harry too. Jake will just have to deal with it. Breakfast didn't last long but that only meant that they would leave soon, the moment I realized this I started to cry I did not want to lose any one of these boys, they do mean the world to me now. They aren't a cult to me anymore they are my family. Everyone just gathered round me and we had a group hug they didn't have to ask what was wrong, they knew as they were feeling the exact same way. Anxious, apprehensive, concerned but hopeful. They left not long after, Emily and Sam's had never been so quiet, mom, Emily or Kim didn't know what to say and neither did I, we were worried for them all. Thankfully Seth would not be in the fight he was staying with Bella and Edward which but my mind at ease about him a little more than the others.

My phone started ringing instantly I checked it to see it was Rachel placing Harry on the floor letting him play with his toys under the watchful eye of his grandma I went upstairs seeing as nobody knew Rach was coming back.
"Mia I've booked my flight back for a weeks' time would you be able to pick me up I want it to be a surprise for my dad too" Rach said
"Hi to you too Rach, course I will just text me the details I'll bring Harry and we can go out for some food in Seattle before you surprise your dad. I can't wait 'till you're back I've really missed you things haven't been the same without you I need my best friend back I have so much to tell you but I need to see you to tell you it all" I replied
"I know there is so much to talk about but the one thing is making me even more excited is getting a cuddle off my nephew I just wish I could of met him sooner, I'm sorry I haven't come back sooner"
"Rach I understand why you didn't come back but it doesn't matter what matters is you're coming home really soon and we can't wait, everyone will be so happy when they see you especially Billy and Jake!"
"I'm really sorry Mia I have to go to work I just had to tell you that I had booked my flight, I'll see you soon look after yourself, BYE!!"
Before I could say bye she ended the call, I'm glad she rang it's taken my mind off what is going on around here walking back downstairs nobody had moved from when I left "who was on the phone darling?" mom questioned, "it was just Rach wanting a catch up about Harry, I might go visit her soon" I lied, I couldn't tell anyone she was coming back or it would ruin the surprise. I sat on the floor playing with Harry trying to distract myself from what was going on not so far away despite everything that Harry went through he is just like a normal baby he's hitting all the milestones he should at his age and he's getting a little chubster but it's cute. He has an appetite like is daddy in fact he takes after his daddy a lot, his looks, his smile the way he frowns everything just reminds me of Jake but I couldn't be happier as he was my piece of Jake seeing as the feelings I have aren't mutual. Em had made herself busy in the kitchen with Kim helping and mom was playing with Claire she loved kids so I always had a babysitter when I needed one especially seeing as mom loved her grandson to bits she really did spoil him rotten. I looked at the clock above the fire to see it had been 3 hours since the pack left I just hope everyone was ok and nobody was hurt or even worse... dead. I didn't want to think about it.

Suddenly I got a pain shooting that had me gasping for breath all down the right side of my body gradually it subdued but it was still an aching pain, I don't know what just happened maybe it was something to do with why I was on bed rest I don't know. The phone ringing at full volume broke the silence in the house Emily answered her face looked shocked and scared, it can't be good news which set me off crying someone was hurt, she quickly put the phone down "everyone in the car now I'll explain on the way" Emily said rushing towards the car, Kim got Claire and I got Harry following Em out to the car. Once on our way "someone's been hurt, they didn't say who but they took them to yours Mia seeing as it was closest" Emily informed us, I didn't want anyone to be hurt and I couldn't help the tears from falling so mom took Harry off me seeing as he was falling to sleep and I wasn't the most stable person right now. Pulling up to my house I noticed the pack stood outside Paul, Seth, Quil, Jared, Leah, Embry and then Sam, that meant it had to be Jake, I fell to the ground he couldn't die I need him, the next thing we heard were Jakes screams which made me cry harder Paul came up to me sitting next to me pulling me into his chest. I guess everyone now knows how I feel about Jake, it may have been a bit obvious with my reaction Leah now had Harry, Quil had Claire, Jared had Kim and Sam had Emily mom had gone inside to Dr Cullen, Billy and Jake.

Bella was the next to turn up in her red truck, she ran out "Hey" she whispers before being cut off by Jakes screaming "it's been going on for a while" Quil says, "Docs re-breaking his bones" Embry finished. "Why did he have to butt in? I could've taken that tick" Leah spat "Oh, give it a rest, Leah" Paul shouted getting annoyed at her. So it he was protecting Leah? At this point Dr Cullen walked out followed by Billy and mom, "the worst is over. He'll be all right. I gave him some morphine, but his body will burn it off soon. I'll come back to set up a drip" Dr Cullen told us all, I finally let out a sigh of relief he's going to be okay, "thank you" Billy said to Dr Cullen extending his hand, now this obviously was taken as a big respect as Billy wasn't exactly the nicest about the leeches, "he's asking for you" Carlisle said towards Bella, I was beyond jealous at this point. He still wanted her after everything she had put him through this was her fault he was like this, she had to pick Edward didn't she if she had never picked Edward none of this would have happened and maybe she would have been with Jake and both of them been happy, I'll get over this 'hate' you could call it when Jakes better but right now I do not want to be around Bella. I was being told all about how Seth got some action but I wasn't really listening I just wanted to go see Jake, she eventually walked out looked over at me went to say something but stopped herself and walked to her truck. "Mia why don't you go in with Harry I'm sure he wants to see you" Billy said to me a sympathetic look in his eyes, so I stood up taking Harry out of Leah's arms and made my way into my house, he was in the guest bedroom next to mine, I guess this means he's living with me for a while well until he can get out of bed.

Walking through the door he looked awful, the whole of his right side was bandaged up he was covered in sweat his hair stuck to his head but it didn't stop the smile appear when he saw his son reaching for him "baby you can't sit on daddy he's poorly look" I told harry who just looked at me and frowned "mills, it's okay he can come this side" Jake told me so I agreed seeing as they both gave me the puppy dog eyes, it doesn't help when they both have the same eyes and look so damn like each other. (Jake, Mia)

What happened out there Jakey?
Leah was fighting a new born, I saw and went to help her but it wrapped its arms round me and crushed my right side
thank you for helping my sister even if you did get hurt, I'll leave you alone with Harry but I'll send your dad in okay?
Mills don't go stay please, I missed my best friend and could really use her right now, and Bella is marrying Edward even though she finally admitted her feelings for me and kissed me. Her being with me would be as easy as breathing but I told her I need time.
Jake you might just have to let her go, you've fought for her but you need to be move on and be happy she has made her choice if she is marrying him
Mills, why are you crying? I told her I'll always be waiting so I have to wait I really do love her
I just hate seeing you upset Jake (that was a partial lie, I loved him and was jealous but I did hate seeing him hurt) I'm going to go shout if you need anything

With that I walked back out into the lounge where the pack, imprints, mom and Billy had all gathered, all they did was give me a small smile, they finally knew my feelings for Jake and I couldn't take it no more. 

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