Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to The real chuck

Chapter 16

At lunch I sat in between Brice and Iris. I felt better than I had in a while. The past few days had been very stressful and it felt good to have these people who care about me.

" Hey Cari, can I come over today?" asked Iris.

" Of course." I said.

" Cool." Just then her brother Matthew came over.

" Me too! I want to go in the pool."

Brice's head popped up from his burger " Pool?"

" Yes Brice, pool." I said. " Oh and this is my cousin Matthew."

The guys shook hands.

" Can I come?" he asked

" Why not? We'll have a party!" I said. My parents we're fine when I did that as long as they knew the kids. My parents could meet Brice.

I texted my mom to let her know and we all headed to our next class. Brice and I walked to class.

" Hey Cari?"

" Yeah?" I said slowing down.

" We should hang out sometime." he said

" Aren't we doing that now?" I said.

He shook his head. " Like away from school."

" Well aren't we doing that later?"

" I mean just the two of us!"

I laughed. " Sometime."

Josh's POV

I finished unpacking and walked over to our small kitchen. My mom and sister were finishing washing the dishes. My dad came out of his room and grabbed the car keys.

" Hey Josh, I'm going to the phone house want to come?" A few minutes from our house was a place that you could make calls from.

" Sure. Let me get my stuff. I'll meet you in the car." I ran back to my room and grabbed my jacket and phone and ran out.

When we got to the phone house I checked to see what time it was back home. School just finished so I called Brice first. After 2 rings he picked up.

" Hey Josh!" he said

" Hey Brice what's up?"

" Oh just getting my stuff before I head over to Cari's" I was surprised. Why would he need to go to Caridad's house and what stuff would he need?

" What are you guys doing?" I asked

He laughed " We're just going to the pool. Iris and Matthew are coming too."

" Oh." I said. " When you meeting up?"

" I'm about to leave." he said. I could hear him open and close his door.

" Oh. Then I'll talk to you later." I said

" Ok." he hung up. I started thinking. I'm gone not a few days and Cari's already hanging out with other guys! I couldn't believe it. And Brice! I called Cari.

" Hello?" she said in an almost shocked voice.

" Caridad?" I asked

" No it's the pope." she said.

" Why are you having Brice over?"

" Because he's my friend." she said a little surprised.

" Well we never just went to your house to go in the pool." I said

She laughed " Of course not! My dad just finished cleaning it." she stopped " Stop worrying. I'm not going to do anything and Brice is your best friend. He wouldn't do anything like that." she knows me so well.

" I'm just making sure."

" Well you don't have to worry. Do you not know me at all? I would never do anything like that."

" Like I said, I'm just making sure."

" Fine."

" Don't get mad at me!" I said anger rising.

" You got mad at me and I did nothing wrong!" she said raising her voice.

" Well I'm sorry I am mad that I can't be there!" I yelled. My dad was watching me strangely and I just shook my head at him.

" You don't have to be mad. It's obviously not your fault that you left." She said it with a slightly harsh tone.

" I didn't leave. I never left." I told her, trying to convince both of us and not only her.

" Oh yeah? Well why don't you ever call? It's been a few weeks now and I've gotten only one phone call from you and all of a sudden just because Brice is coming over you call. You don't know how much I've been suffering since you left. Brice was there with me and comforted me when you wouldn't even call! Josh I love you and I need to know that this distance isn't a problem." I could hear the tears in her eyes with the straining sobs. I bit my lip before my father came over and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

" It's not a problem. I'll call you everyday if I have to. I told you that we didn't have to do this though. I told you that you could do whatever you want and not be with me anymore, no matter how bad it would hurt me." I replied. I know that saying that could be a mistake. She could leave me forever and I'd have to live with a broken heart. I wouldn't love anyone ever again because Caridad meant everything to me.

" I'm not gonna do that. I need you. Even if your not here, I know that someone I love loves me back and that's all that matters right now." She answered. Her sobs had gone away and her voice was monotonous, but still had a tone of emotion behind it.

" I love you Cari." I told her.

" I love you too Josh and don't ever forget it." She said sternly. I laughed and she gave a cute giggle.

" I have to go. Iris just arrived for the pool party." She said.

" Okay. Bye Love."

" Bye." and she hung up. I closed my phone and placed it in my pocket. It was a long ride home and my mind was flooding with thoughts. I brought out my iPod and blasted the music to drown out my concerns.

The only thought that stuck was; Long distance relationships aren't easy.


Heiylo people!!! This is... Not Sennee. This is Iri ,her bestie, and I've taken over this story. Half of this chapter is written by me but the rest of the story will be written by me. I have another account, Brokenandreal and I have 3 books on there. Also a poetry collection and a short story. If you'd like to read them then don't hesitate ;) hope you like where

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