Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Iris stared in shock as I stood there, tears streaming down my face and my fists clenched. She lowered her fist slowly and stared at Josh in hatred.

" How?" She asked me.

" How what?"

" How could you still love someone that hurt you the way he did?" She clarified.

" Because I realized that it was all a misunderstanding. Everything was just a misunderstanding. He got mad, I never returned his calls, he didn't get a chance to explain or apologize, and I messed up." I explained.

" What about Brice? He's done so much for you, and he was even kind enough to ask you who you wanted to be with. He was kind enough to put your happiness before his. Why would you just throw that away?" She looked appalled.

" I never said I was going to throw it away. I only admitted that I still have feelings for Josh. I never said I'd go and dump Brice for him." I said. Josh was still in the corner of the room, just there listening to our conversation about him. He had a relaxed position now that Iris wasn't in his space trying to kill him.

" Brice is much better for you. Don't be with this piece of crap! He's just gonna hurt you again." She yelled.

" I told you that I wouldn't do that to Brice! What part of that do you not understand!?" I yelled back.

" I don't understand how you could love two people and just be fine with settling!" She shouted. I was so glad that my parents and grandparents were away on visitation in New York.

" Stop yelling at me! I'm trying to help you here. Honestly you shouldn't even have him over at your house!" She yelled again. I was starting to get upset.

" He helped me home after my little anxiety attack thank you very much! He was the one there for me and afterwards he just stayed to hang out. End of story!" I turned to Josh to see him looked down at his shoes nervously.

" Well he should have respected your space and left!" She argued.

" Well I let him stay! Now get out!" I shouted. She stared at me in shock. She turned angrily to Josh and suddenly, her expression lightened. Josh had a small stream of tears in his eyes, soundless tears that only we could see from how close we were to him. He looked up and quickly wiped them away.

" This is all my fault." He whispered. He pushed past Iris and I and walked straight away out the door.

" Wait!" I called. I glared at Iris one more time and ran out the door. He was just about to close the car door when I put myself between the door and the action of closing me out. It hit my shoulder and I bit my tongue.

" Wait please." I begged. He opened the door wider and placed both feet outside of the car. He stood up abruptly, causing me to stumble backwards.

" I should have never come back. I shouldn't have even tried to look for you. I should have just left you happy with Brice and not have interfered." He said. I shook my head violently.

" No no no. You did the right thing. Listen to me. I love you, more than anything and anyone I've ever loved. But I'm with Brice. He loves me and honestly, I do love him. He's helped me through so much and we've been together for such a long time. There's nothing that could break us apart. But you and I have so many memories together that it's hard to ignore the fact that you were my first love. I cant cover this up, but I can clarify this." I tried to explain.

Josh took my face in his hands and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I reached up and wiped away the stray tears in his eyes.

" I'm sorry Josh." I told him, but he just shushed me with his lips. He kissed me and never let go of my face. I could taste the tears as they streamed down my cheek. I couldn't do this. I just couldn't. But I know I wanted to. I wanted to kiss him back, but that would be cheating.

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