Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

( Three years later A week before first day of Senior year)

I opened my front door and there was a letter on the welcome mat. I stared at it for a minute or two, processing my thoughts. Even if it has been three years, I still remember my dream. Maybe this is a coincidence. I get letters all the time... But always in the mailbox. Not on my front porch.

I quickly picked up the letter and got the rest of the mail from the mailbox. I gave the mail to my mom and ran upstairs. I ripped off the sticker that held the paper closed and began to read the two words on the paper.

" I'm back." it said. It wasn't labeled with a name nor was the handwriting any similar to anyone I knew.

The event made my mind wander back to freshman year. I could still feel the hole in my heart. Before it was a searing pain, but now its just a dull numbness. Non existent. Like that part of me is completed gone. I should feel happy, no more pain, tears, suffering. But I honestly missed the feeling. The feeling of feeling. Now the only other emotion I feel is whenever I'm with Brice. Love. That's the only other time I feel anything at all. Today is the first time I've thought about Josh since sophomore year. I began to except that he was gone mid-year. And now, I have a feeling that he's the one that sent this to me. He's back.

Is he back?

What was I going to say once I saw him again?

Was I going to tell him about Brice and I?

And what about all the phone calls from him I chose to ignore? I even changed my number so he would stop calling me. He called me everyday till the end of Sophomore year when I got a new number. I didn't try to make amends. There was no point, but now I'm starting to think otherwise. If he was here, I'd have to face him at school sooner or later.

I changed into a red polo and khaki shorts. I put on my Target name tag and got ready to go to work. I was able to get discounts for Brice, Iris, Nate and I at Target when I started working there last year.

I grabbed my car keys off of my nightstand and my shades. I ran downstairs and out the door. I unlocked the doors of my 2009 Mustang GT (a hand-me-down from my cousin Adam) and warmed up the engine. While getting the engine warmed up, I got out my phone and looked at the texts I had received.

"Hey babe. Meet you at Target to buy our supplies for school." Brice said. I texted back a quick okay and replied to Iris who had asked if I was heading to Target yet.

I shifted into reverse as I pulled out of the drive way. I shifted to drive as I turned the corner of my neighborhood. I was almost to the Target in the town plaza when my engine spluttered.

" No no no no SHIT!" I hit the steering wheel and banged my head against the headrest. I drove with what little momentum I had left to the side of the road and angrily got out.

" This is the second time!" I yelled to myself. I started trying to flag someone with jumper cables down but no one came. I turned around and rested my forehead against the hood of the car.

" Need help?" A husky voice asked behind me. I looked up to find a guy, around my age, with a set of jumper cables at hand.

" Yeah. Thanks so much. Your a life saver." I said. He nodded and asked me to pop the hood. I opened it for him and he got to work. While he was working, I was studying his features. He had a Medium build with a tight T-shirt on. His hair was a coal black and long enough to go over one eye. His face had a light tan and his eyes were a deep green. He reminded me so much of Josh that it hurt. Besides the hair.

" Thanks again." I told him as my engine came to life.

" Welcome Caridad." He said. My eyes widened in shock as he said that.

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