Chapter 28

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A/N: I got really upset when I was told that The Fourth Fighter burned down. I couldn't really put the restaurant into this book anymore since I couldn't go there to check it out. So here's an alternative. It's good enough ;)

Chapter 28

Brice and I held hands as we stared at the empty lot before us. The Fourth Fighter had sadly burned down and they cleared the lot about a year ago. Brice had been very upset about it and he had apologized multiple times. I just shrugged and told him to bring me to McDonalds or something. He refused.

"Let's go to Olive Gardens. This is a date you know?" Brice suggested. I nodded and we heading back to his Charger. He kindly opened the door for me and waved a hand for me to come in.

"Your such a gentleman. " I said while adding a chuckle.

"Just want to show that chivalry isn't dead." He joked. He closed the door for me and walked behind the car to his side.

"Sorry that we couldn't go to that restaurant. You would have loved it." He told me.

"I bet I would have. Too bad it burned down. What type was it anyways?" I asked.

"It was a military themed restaurant in the shape of a tank. In the inside there was a wall made completely of glass and you could look out and see the planes take off since the location is at an airport as you saw." Brice explained. I nodded and looked out of the window. I could see the airport become smaller and smaller as we drove away from it. For some reason, my thoughts fled towards someone other than Brice.

My thoughts consisted of the past. The past that I shared with Josh. I truly miss him now. He's been so kind to me and even allowed me to see Brice. Sure the hate we felt for each other never truly resulted in horrid comebacks and snotty remarks, but it caused our full potential to be only friends and not be able to reach being a couple. It felt better this way. I never thought I'd be able to feel anything more then hate for that boy, but as time told me I found out that I not only loved him but it was a friendly kind of love.

When I see Josh now, I feel comfortable around him. It's not awkward to know that I kissed him multiple times and also know that Brice saw it happen and he loved me even then. It's sad that I blamed him for all my torturing while he was away when in fact, he had no play in it at all.

Josh loves me. I thought I loved him and tortured myself while he was away. Brice saved me from myself and showed me that I love him as much as I loved Josh. Maybe Josh was the main person in all of this but it was Brice that saved me from the pain.

"We're here." Brice said, jolting me out of my thoughts with a shake of my shoulder.

"Oh! Um okay." I said mindlessly. I opened the door on my own and stumbled out of the car. My legs were numb and it was actually painful to shake them out after awhile.

"Are you ok?" Brice asked me.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Just shaking out a numb leg." I explained. He laughed at my silly dance and took hold of my waving hand.

"Let's get in there." He said.

It was an hour wait to get into Olive Gardens but we stayed anyways. Brice's exact words were

"I'm willing to wait as long as I have to if it meant making you happy."

It seems cheesy but it brought a huge smile to my face. He brought me to a near by bench and sat me down.

"Thanks for being willing to wait. I love Italian food almost as much as Hispanic food." I gave a short laugh. Brice's hand never let go of mine and I felt comfortable leaning against his shoulder. Brice brushed his other hand through my hair and occasionally rubbed my back.

"Wanna talk now so that we don't have to talk about the situation in the restaurant?" I asked.

"Why not?" He sighed. I sat up straight and faced him.

"Are you willing to let me wait for you if it meant I wouldn't be with anyone else?" I asked.

"Of course. But I can't assume that would happen. You can't fight emotions." He explained.

"Well you also can't fight who you are. And I'm faithful." I countered.

"Are you sure your 100% faithful to me? What about Josh?"

"What about him? I have no feelings left for him. I love you Brice and I'm willing to give you my whole heart and I won't share it with any other man while your away. You should know that I'm trustable by now. Plus, I'm accepting your decision to go into the military. I'm not arguing about the point. You shouldn't argue about the decision I'm making."

"But I..."

"You shouldn't be afraid of hurt by me. I can't hurt someone I love." I Interrupted.

"Ok ok. But I need reassurance that you'll stick with me till the end."

"And what would give you that reassurance?" I asked. The alarm on the disk they gave us rang and Brice stood up.

"You'll see." He took my hand and helped me stand up straight. I walked into the restaurant with him and the waitress led us to a two person table.

The waitress was about 5'4 with curly white hair and a deeply wrinkled face. She cooed and ah'ed at how cute of a couple we made. Bruce blushed a bit and I just laughed, thanking her through every compliment.

"You two should get married!" She gushed. Brice stood up.

"Actually... That's not a bad idea." He got down on one knee and pulled out a small box from one of his pant pockets.

"Cari, I know that I'm leaving for the military in a few months and we won't be together till five or so years from now, but I was to be reassured that you will be mine forever." Tears erupted from my eyes but it had an absence of sobs. They were silent as my mind was attentive.

"Caridad Tammy Diaz... Will you marry me?" I kneeled down in front of him and held his hands.

"Yes. Of course." I accepted. He pulled both of us up and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. He released me just far enough for to connect his lips with mine. Tears of joy escaped my eyes once again and moved my lips in unison with Brice's.

Claps erupted from the crowd of people watching the scene unfold. I pulled away from Brice for a breath and looked around at the people looking at us. I smiled as someone came with a large cake.

"Forget about lunch. Triple fudge cake is better than any lunch I've ever had!" I shouted. Bruce laughed while I sat down in excitement.

"So... How did my fiancé manage to find out my favorite cake from this place?" I asked. He laughed and cut a slice of the cake and handed it to me on a porcelain plate.

"Josh told me actually." He said, voice serious while saying that.

"Well then thank you Josh. And thank you Brice."

"Wait! The ring!" He shouted in realization. He took the box and opened it.

The ring was simple but very beautiful. The diamond was cut into a heart and fastened onto the silver band with three heart shaped claws. The sterling silver band had a slight curve to it and it shined brightly as Brice held it up to the light. He carefully slipped it onto my ring finger with a smile. I stared at the beautiful diamond in aw.

"Speechless huh?" He said. I nodded and he kissed my hand.

"So this is your reassurance." I stated.

"Yup. Can't fall in love if you belong to me."

"But I've already fallen in love." I said, feigning a nervous look.

"With who?" He looked truly concerned.

"Well... He has a great personality. I love his smile. His hair is very soft, a dark brown with a short spike at the top. He has nicely tanned skin and... He's going into the military soon." I described.

"Would his name happen to be Brice?" He asked me.

"Yup. Because hey, I fell in love with you."


Pic of the ring on the right. It's so pretty!!!!

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