Going Home

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The butcher truly was a nice man with a kind heart. He directed me to an inn, telling the woman at the door of my situation and telling her also to put it on his tab. I thanked them both and went to my room. It would be a little while, but I vowed to myself that I would pay him back when I was able.

Just as I had hoped against, there was some bruising and some wounds, but the bruising would go away in a matter of an hour or so, and the deeper wounds maybe a day. It was a mystery just what they were testing, but they drew a lot of blood from me, of that I was sure. My stomach growled still, yet I wanted to remain unseen. If I was sure of anything else, it was that I would be hunted for, and chances were that my face would be plastered on walls and poles around town before long.

The bar maid must have read my mind, because she had knocked on the door. Can I get you anything? I made my order, and she had returned moments later with it. "Poor dear," she said. While I realized how the people of this town felt about their neighboring town, I could not keep taking advantage of them. "Miss," I squeaked, my voice a bit shot, who is the man who is paying for me to stay here?" I blinked, and she smiled. "His name is Mr. Rutager, but he won't accept any money. You see, for many years, he has seen escaped refugees of that institution and many of them have died within minutes of entering town. You are the first to last this long. He only wants to save those who come this way. He has a kind heart is all." In finishing her sentence, she smiled. I looked at the floor. "Is there any way I can repay him?"

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