Kain Visits

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I was in the middle of breakfast in the dining hall when I heard the doorbell ring. Sebastian answered and suddenly a raven-haired boy was clinging to me. Frowning, I set down my fork and grabbed the napkin. "Sebastian?"

"Oh Aria, it's been so long! I thought you were gone for good and I was so worried! You should hear what-" I cut him off, mid sentence. "Sebastian...why didn't you tell me of Kain's arrival?" The butler smiled and took my plate politely. "I'm terribly sorry miss Aria, it had slipped my mind." His smile was too authentic and enjoyed to be true. "Liar," I muttered under my breath.

Kain continued to talk and somewhere in his next four words I had tuned out, wondering how it was that this supposed man could talk on and on like a girl was said to have done. I honestly could not hear myself think! "Aria?"

"Excuse me, master Kain, but you will address miss Aria as 'my Lady', or 'miss Aria'," Sebastian said while taking the dishes to the kitchen. "Miss....Aria," Kain said, and sounded like a beaten dog, "would you do me the honor of allowing me a ball in your name?" I near choked on my tea. "Excuse me?!" Sebastian came quickly to my side and helped me. "I believe he wishes to throw a ball in your honor Miss Aria." with a stern look, I replied, "Yes, I know that Sebastian. But, why?"

"Because I love you and I wished that you were alive and okay...." And yet again I tuned out. It would have been easier to just find cotton and stuff it in my ears. He stopped again and I finally came back to reality.

"Thank you so much miss Aria, you will love when Im done with the place, I promise!"

"Wait, what? I didn't authorize.... Sebastian?" He smiled as Kain had gone off to start decorating. "Remind me to punish you later." Sebastian smiled wider. "Yes, miss Aria. However, you might find your playmate is rather enjoyable once you give it a try." I scoffed. "Kain isn't a playmate, he's an interruption to my work."

"Miss Aria?" Mary-Anne asked, "We already sort of began preparin' for the ball, we did." I put my hand over my face. "Did nobody ask me my opinion on any of this? Am I that unapproachable that nobody can ask my permission anymore?" With that, I excused myself and his in my library where nobody could get in.

Later that night was the ball, and I chose not to dance, yet somehow, by the end of it, I had been made to dance with Kain.

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